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For several hours he lifted up his voice in continuous song. His repertoire was extensive and varied. To this day I can clearly recall the words as well as the tune of two of his ditties. One related to the history of a pair of corduroy breeches, year by year, since the close of the last decade, each year being treated of in a couplet.

Of these I actually sing three hours. The first hour to memory work on repertoire. The second hour to vocalizes. The rest of the time is given to repertoire and the things that belong to it." Barrientos states she gives about three-quarters of an hour to vocal technic scales and exercises each day.

He might have said to Dea, as in our day Moessard said to Vissot, Tu manques de respect au repertoire. "The Laughing Man." Such was the form of Gwynplaine's fame. His name, Gwynplaine, little known at any time, had disappeared under his nickname, as his face had disappeared under its grin. His popularity was like his visage a mask.

He did astonishing things with the billiard balls, making them run all over his body like mice and balancing them on cues and juggling with them five at a time. I think that day he must have gone through his whole répertoire. The party assembled for tea in the drawing-room. Fendihook's first words to Liosha were: "Hallo, my Balkan Queen, how have you been getting on?"

And it seemed as though all this animated conversation was caused by the encampment of the band of players by the wayside. The repast finished, they turned their attention to the injured chariot, but fortunately the damage was not beyond repair, and Barnes, actor, manager, bill-poster, license-procurer, added to his already extensive repertoire the part of joiner and wheelwright.

These qualities were due in part, perhaps, to the long and arduous stock company training, where, in the old days, every actor must serve his apprenticeship, and in part to the study of the classic drama which had so large a place in stock company repertoire. Success was infinitely harder to win than it is to-day.

Great, indeed, was the despair of my good old chorus-master and stage manager, Fischer who before had enthusiastically advocated the invitation of Spontini when he recognised that the dislocation of our repertoire was now inevitable.

Will the salvage warrant helping us into port; that is, New Orleans? There hope tells a flattering tale. The company is well equipped; has a varied repertoire, while Constance" tenderly "is a host in herself. If you knew her as I do; had watched her art grow" his voice trembled "and to think, sometimes I do not know where the next day's sustenance may come from! That she"

Some one suggested your going on the road, as they say, with that one thing as your repertoire making a tour of the cheap moving-picture houses of a certain section?" Elsie grew very pale; her lips trembled. One interested wholly in her dramatic career, seeing her at that moment, might have concluded that the girl had it in her to develop a capacity for tragedy as well as comedy.

The play was a good répertoire play, and we did it later on in America with success. There the part of Houseman was played by Terriss, who was quite splendid in it, and at Chicago my little boy Teddy made his second appearance on any stage as Joey, a gardener's boy.