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Thus the amount collected by the "regie" was not sufficient to provide for the service of the ever increasing bonded debt and in 1897 there was another default. The old remedy of a new bond issue was to be tried again. The San Domingo Improvement Company undertook to float the eighth bond issue of L2,736,750 in bonds at 2-3/4 per cent and L1,500,000 in bonds at four per cent.

'Aunt Lily, are you going with me? 'Indeed I am, my poor child. Uncle Regie is gone on. No more was spoken then, but Dolores put her cold hand into her aunt's muff. Gillian kept all the flock prisoned in the schoolroom.

The little ferret-faced youth in the corner was Regie Colby, who wrote the Entre- Nous paragraphs in the Social Searchlight: the women were charming to him and he got all the financial tips he wanted from their husbands and fathers. And the women? Well, the women knew all about the men, and flattered them and married them and tried to catch them for their daughters.

Dolores sat on the side of her bed, too much tired at first to be willing to move, Constance's pity elicited tears, and that they had all been so very unkind to her; they were angry at her getting tired, and they were jealous of her even speaking to Uncle Regie. Again this alarmed Constance, 'You weren't going to tell him about Mr. Flinders you know you promised.

As hard as a stone! 'For shame, Regie! said her aunt. 'How angry you would have been if she had made a scene. 'I should have liked her better. 'No, you wouldn't, when you come to understand. There's stuff in her, and depth too. 'Aye, she's deep enough. 'Poor child! said Lady Merrifield, tenderly.

He said, 'It is this idea which has got firm hold of her, but which has momentarily passed off her mind in her anxiety about Regie, which has caused her illness. And then he looked at me. He seemed really quite shaky. He held on to a chair. I think his health is breaking." "And what did you say?"

But Regie adhered to his determination, and to the "shrubberies" they went. Hester was too tired to play with them, too tired even to tell them a story; so she sat under a tree while they circled in the coppice near at hand.

But if any mischief does happen, or accident, I promise you, Dolly, you shall have the telling of it, if you have had ever so little to do with it, and then mamma will write to Uncle Regie that you have proved yourself truthful. Dolores did not seem much consoled by this curious promise, and Mysie's childishness suddenly gave way to something deeper.

'It isn't a vulgar place, full of traffic, returned Constance, equally cross. 'Well, I never meant to walk home in this way! I'm sure my feet are wet. I wish I had waited and gone with Uncle Regie. 'Now, Dolly, what do you mean? You would not have it all betrayed? 'I've a great mind to tell Uncle Regie all about it. 'Now, Dolly!

He was sorry for her. "You can go out till tea-time," said Rachel, to the nurse. "I will stay with Miss Gresley till then." Hester was lying on a couch by the fire in a rose-colored wrapper. Her small face, set in its ruffle of soft lace, looked bright and eager. Her hair had been cut short, and she looked younger and more like Regie than ever. Her thin hands lay contentedly in her lap.