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"My wife demurs at sending him," said Mr. Gresley. "No, no, she does not," said the Bishop, gently. "Hester saved Regie's life, and it is only right that Regie should save hers. You will come over this afternoon to take him back," he continued to Mr. Gresley. "I wish to have some conversation with you." Fräulein appeared breathless, dragging Regie with her.

There was a short silence. The horses' hoofs beat the muffled ground all together. "Don't you find, Mr. Bishop," said Regie, tentatively, "that this riding so quick in carriages and talking secrets does make people very hungry?" The Bishop blushed. "It is quite true, my boy. I ought to have thought of that before.

The arrangement was thus similar to the later receivership plan, but its vulnerable point was that it was operated by a private concern. The first instalments of interest and sinking fund on these two bond issues were paid from the proceeds of the bonds, then for several months the "regie" supplied funds, and then came the first crash.

Subsequently two other companies, the San Domingo Finance Company and the Company of the Central Dominican Railway, were incorporated, also under the laws of New Jersey, as auxiliaries of the Improvement Company, but they were all managed by the same persons. The San Domingo Improvement Company took over Westendorp's holdings and was placed in control of the "regie."

As she went downstairs she was aware of an increasing hubbub, and frequently looking over the balusters, perceived the top of Primrose's wavy head above the close-cropped one of Uncle Regie, as, with her mounted on his shoulder, he careered round the hall, with a pack of others vociferating behind him;

And so when Uncle Dick found us playing the tea-party game he played another game about the flying half-penny." "Then it was a common half-penny, after all," said Regie, with a deep sigh. "Yes, it was a common half-penny, only the game was that it could fly, like the other game was that the acorn cups were real teacups. So Uncle Dick and all of us were not saying what was not true.

"My wife is on her sofa, and Regie is still very weak. He has taken one of those unaccountable fancies of children for her, and can hardly bear her out of his sight." "The Bishop has taken another of those unaccountable fancies for her," said Dick, looking full at Mr. Gresley in an unpleasant manner. "I'm not one that holds that parsons should have their own way in everything.

"And, oh, Regie! I am so happy!" It was thus that my father and Aunt Maria found us.

The Bishop was very good to Regie and gave him that fur rug." They looked at the splendid blue fox rug on the sofa. "I am afraid," said Mrs. Gresley, after a pause, "that Hester did run all the way to Southminster as the Bishop said. Abel said the Bishop's coachman told him that she came late last night to the Palace, and she was white with snow when the footman let her in."

The first seedling impulse to destroy the book was buried and forgotten. If he mistook this towering, full-grown determination which had sprung from it for the will of God, the direct answer to prayer, was that his fault? As his painful duty became clear to him, a thin veil of smoke drifted across the little lawn. Regie came dancing and caracoling round the corner.