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Perhaps those whom you have wished especially to favor will get the least of your estate, and a relative against whom you always had especial dislike will get the most, and your charities will be apportioned differently from what you anticipated a hundred dollars to the Bible Society, and three thousand to the "hook and ladder company." Quizzle. Wiseman. No doubt.

It is only one carriage in the same funeral. Do not spell it b-e-e-r, but spell it b-i-e-r. May the lightnings of heaven strike and consume all the breweries from river Penobscot to the Golden Horn! Quizzle. I see, governor, that you were last week in Washington. How do things look there? Wiseman. Very well. The general appearance of our national capital never changes.

After a while those children will rise up to do her honor; and when her work is done, she will go up to get the large reward that awaits a faithful, great-hearted Christian step-mother in the land where the neighbors all mind their own business. Several months had passed along since we had enjoyed the society of Governor Wiseman, Doctor Heavyasbricks and Fred Quizzle.

He did not know much, but he was mighty in asking questions. So when we had Governor Wiseman, the well, we had Quizzle, the pump. Fred was long and thin and jerky, and you never knew just where he would put his foot. Indeed, he was not certain himself. He was thoroughly illogical, and the question he asked would sometimes seem quite foreign to the subject being discoursed upon.

They take literally what Paul meant to be figurative: "Pray without ceasing." Quizzle. I see there was no lack of interest when the brewers' convention met the other day in Boston, and that in their longest session the attention did not flag. Wiseman. Yes; I see that speeches were made on the beneficial use of fermented liquors.

"But, Governor Wiseman," said Quizzle, "do you not think that it is possible to combine physical, mental and spiritual recreations?" Oh yes, replied the governor; I like this new mode of mingling religion with summer pleasures. Soon the Methodists will be shaking out their tents and packing their lunch-baskets and buying their railroad and steamboat tickets for the camp-meeting grounds.

At our especial call they had come again. The evening air was redolent with waffles baked in irons that had given them the square imprint which has come down through the ages as the only orthodox pattern. No sooner had our friends seated themselves at the tea-table than Quizzle began: I see, Governor Wiseman, that the races have just come off in England. What do you think of horse-racing?

Against parsimony and niggardliness I proclaim war; but with the same sentence I condemn those who make a grand splash while they live, leaving their families in destitution when they die. Quizzle. Where, governor, do you expect to recreate this coming summer? Wiseman. Have not yet made up my mind. The question is coming up in all our households as to the best mode of vacation.

I see no cause of merriment in the phrase 'undertaker's expenses. It seems to me to be a sad business. When I think of the scenes amid which an undertaker moves, I feel more like tears than hilarity." Quizzle. If you are opposed, Governor Wiseman, to one's being his own doctor, what do you think of every man's being his own lawyer? Wiseman. I think just as badly of that.

This early propensity for asking questions grew on him till at twenty-three years of age he was a prodigy in this respect. So when we had Governor Wiseman we also had Fred Quizzle, the former to discourse, the latter to start him and keep him going. Doctor Heavyasbricks was generally present at the same interview. We took the doctor as a sort of sedative.