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But it helped when she caught a glimpse of their own table drifting by among the others and realized that the smiling red-headed viewer image over there looked completely at her ease. It helped, too, that Major Quillan turned suddenly into the light-but-ardent-conversation type of companion.

Yes, you could not but admire Helene, yet, even so.... " and he asked me, oh, so many questions about you, Louis " "About me?" said Louis Quillan, blankly. He was all circumspection now. "About my lover, you stupid person. Monseigneur assumed, somehow, that I would have a lover or two. You perceive that he at least is not a stupid person."

"Well...." Trigger said. She pursed her lips. "That Lyad...." she said. "What about her?" "She tried to hire me," said Trigger. "Major Quillan reported it, I suppose?" "Sure." "And it wouldn't be just to steal some stupid plasmoid. Especially since you say a number of small ones are already available. Then there're the ones that raiders picked up in the Hub. She probably has a collection by now."

Trigger told him cheerily to come right over, picked up her purse and swaggered toward the door, smiling a cool, feline smile. "Prude, eh?" she muttered. She opened the door. "Ya-arghk!" cried Quillan, shaken. They were out on a terrace near the top of an illusion mountainside, in a beautiful evening.

In the center was a small square swimming pool, and against the walls on either side was a long row of tall square crystal pillars through which strange lights undulated slowly. Trigger glanced curiously at the nearest pillar. She stopped short. "Galaxy!" she said, startled. Quillan reached back and grabbed her arm with his gun hand. "Keep moving, girl!

"You make it sound like the chick's got built-in space drives. You can stop her, can't you?" "Certainly I can stop her," Mihul said. "If I can lock her in her room and sit on her to make sure she doesn't leave by the window. But 'unobtrusively? You're the one who stressed she isn't to know she's being watched." "True," Quillan said promptly. "I spoke like a loon, Mihul."

"I see. When is Major Quillan returning?" "In about a month. It's Captain Quillan at present, by the way." "Oh?" said Pilch. "What happened?" "That unwarranted interference with a political situation business. They'd broadcast a warning against taking individual action of any kind against the plasmoid station.

"Don't rub it in!" "I apologize," said Quillan. He patted her other hand. "At any rate," Trigger said, drawing her hands back, "now that I've realized it, I'm going to make up for it. From here on out, I'll cooperate." "To the hilt?" She nodded. "To the hilt! Whatever that is." "You can't imagine," said Quillan, "how much that relieves me." He filled her glass, giving her a relieved look.

The burly character who had appeared at the door said diffidently that Professor Mantelish had wanted to be present while his lab equipment was stowed aboard. If the professor didn't mind, things were about that far along. Mantelish excused himself and went off with the messenger. The door closed. Quillan came back to his chair. "We're moving the outfit later tonight," the Commissioner explained.

He asked, "Think it's wise to leave you people unguarded?" "Quillan," said Commissioner Tate, "that's the first time in my life anybody has suggested I need guarding." "Sorry sir," said Quillan. "You mean," Trigger said, "we're not going? We're just staying here?" "You've got an appointment, remember?" the Commissioner said. Quillan and company were gone within the hour.