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Poor Matthew instantly plunged into the grave, and died of a sudden chill." "That is not impossible," observed Hodges, after a pause. "But what has become of the treasure?" "It is in the possession of Mr. Quatremain, who has given notice of it to the proper authorities," replied Chowles.

At the period of this history, he was clerk to Sir Hugh Hammersley, alderman. The third person, a minor canon of Saint Paul's, named Thomas Quatremain, was a grave, sallow-complexioned man, with a morose and repulsive physiognomy. He was habited in the cassock of a churchman of the period, and his black velvet cap lay beside him on the table.

"Here is the fatal sign upon his breast." "I will fetch Doctor Hodges instantly," cried Nizza. "Do so," replied Judith; "we will convey him to the vaults in Saint Faith's, where poor Mr. Quatremain has just been taken. He will be better there than in the pest-house." "Anything is better than that," said Nizza, shuddering.

"I have found out a means of propagating the distemper," pursued Judith, in a low tone, and with a mysterious air, "of inoculating whomsoever I please with the plague-venom. I have tried the experiment on Mr. Quatremain and that youth, and you see how well it has answered in both instances." "I do," replied Chowles, looking askance at her. "But why destroy the poor minor canon?"

At length, however, Lilly reached a part of the wall where a door appeared to have been stopped up, and playing the rods near it, they turned one over the other. "The treasure is here!" he exclaimed. "It is hidden beneath this flag." Instantly, all were in action. Quatremain called to his assistants to bring their mattocks and the iron bar.

Shall I live an object of envy? Thou wilt. Shall I die in my bed? 'A good specimen of the treasure-hunter's record quite reminds one of Mr Minor-Canon Quatremain in Old St Paul's, was Dennistoun's comment, and he turned the leaf. What he then saw impressed him, as he has often told me, more than he could have conceived any drawing or picture capable of impressing him.

"We are sorry to disturb you," said Leonard; "but we are in search of a nobleman who has run away with a citizen's daughter, and conveyed her to the cathedral, and we thought they might have taken refuge in this chapel." "No one is here except myself and daughter," replied the piper. "We are allowed this lodging by Mr. Quatremain, the minor canon."

On opening the lowest door, he glanced towards the choir, and there before the high altar stood Quatremain in his surplice, with the earl and Amabel, attended by Etherege and Pillichody. The ceremony had just commenced. Not a moment was to be lost. Grasping his staff, the apprentice darted along the nave, and, rushing up to the pair, exclaimed in a loud voice, "Hold! I forbid this marriage.

"My labour is not thrown away, Mr. Lilly," cried Quatremain, who had finished his task at the same time. "I have discovered what I have long suspected, that treasure is hidden in Saint Paul's Cathedral. Mercury is posited in the north angle of the fourth house; the dragon's tail is likewise within it; and as Sol is the significator, it must be gold." "True," replied Lilly.

Seconded by Quatremain, they soon cleared off the soil, and came to what appeared to be a coffin or a large chest.