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The latter simply stared at the angry little girl for a moment, too much amazed to make ready reply. Adrienne's calm ultimatum rather staggered her. Too courteous to show open amusement of the situation, Dorothy resorted to flight. With a hasty "Excuse me" she rose and left the table. Jane and Adrienne instantly followed suit, leaving the quarrelsome freshman alone in her glory.

"That's so, John," returned David Bright, who sat beside him, and, having already drained several bumpers of the fiery fluid, had quite got over his troubles. "You an' I are of the same mind, John; nevertheless you're a great sulky-faced humbug for all that!" "What d'ee mean by that?" demanded Gunter, who was becoming rapidly drunk and quarrelsome.

I forgot all about the matches and my resolution to test them that night. The Frenchman, enjoying my condition, continued to pledge me till his little eyes danced in his head. Luckily for me, being at bottom of a very jolly disposition, drink never served me worse than to develop that quality in me. No man could ever say that I was quarrelsome in my cups.

"I wish," I shout against the traffic, "I could smash the world of everyday." My note becomes quarrelsome. "You may accept this as the world of reality, you may consent to be one scar in an ill-dressed compound wound, but so not I! This is a dream too this world. Your dream, and you bring me back to it out of Utopia " The crossing of Bow Street gives me pause again.

When Rinkitink saw that his goat had now become a Prince, he did not know whether to be sorry or glad, for he felt that he would miss the companionship of the quarrelsome animal he had so long been accustomed to ride upon, while at the same time he rejoiced that poor Bilbil had come to his own again.

He liked her brisk, practical, cheery disposition in the face of her condition, which was serious, and which was so noticeable to strangers. Angela had naturally a bright, cheery face, when she was not depressed or quarrelsome.

By the time Boone Helm was grown, and soon after his marriage, the great gold craze of California broke out, and he joined the rush westward. Already he was a murderer, and already he had a reputation as a quarrelsome and dangerous man. He was of powerful build and turbulent temper, delighting in nothing so much as feats of strength, skill, and hardihood.

As these two children would possibly inherit the kingdom, it was natural that their people should take a great interest in them, and it fell out that all the tranquil and peace-loving citizens desired that Placida should one day be their Queen, while the rash and quarrelsome hoped great things for Vivien.

I was introduced to this company by Cumming the Quaker , and used to go there sometimes when I drank wine. In the last age, when my mother lived in London, there were two sets of people, those who gave the wall, and those who took it; the peaceable and the quarrelsome.

But King August was not quarrelsome; and then Seckendorf and the Tobacco-Parliament, on the Kaiser's score, who wants Pragmatic Sanction and much else out of these two Kings, and can at no rate have them quarrel in the present juncture, were eager to quench the fire. This is his worst collision with his Neighbor of Saxony; and springing from one's Hobby again!