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It was a silly ass thing to do," protested the purser. "Everybody knows Meyer hasn't a brother, and if he hadn't made that break he might have got away with the other one. But now this Smedburg is going to wireless ahead to Mr. Meyer and to the police." "Has he no other way of spending his money?" I asked. "He's a confounded nuisance!" growled the purser.

The Massachusetts, however, sailed in 411 the old-fashioned state and dignity of a master, four mates, a purser, surgeon, carpenter, gunner, four quartermasters, three midshipmen, a cooper, two cooks, a steward, and fifty seamen.

The chair had been vacant since the departure from Mandalay. Evidently the purser had decided to be thorough in regard to her wishes. It would look less conspicuous to make the introduction in this manner. And she wanted to meet this man who had almost made her cry out in astonishment. "Miss Chetwood, Mr. Warrington." This was as far as the purser would unbend.

"Very-well, then," Crawshay continued, loosening a little muffler at his throat, "I suppose you can ascertain from the purser if any message was delivered to any one of your passengers?" "I certainly can," the captain admitted, "but to tell you the truth, sir, I scarcely see how this concerns you." "I am endeavouring," his visitor replied, with a little wave of his hand, "to justify my statement.

And when they found that he had clerical attainments, the captain, who was really a decent fellow, had befriended him; found him a berth in a store at Sitka.... Since then he had roamed up and down the world, mostly as purser of ships, forever haunted by the memory of some previous identity he could not fathom. He had been to Russia, India, Europe's seaports, landing finally at Baltimore.

For an upper dress he had borrowed a waistcoat without sleeves from the purser of the schooner, which hung loose and unbuttoned before, while behind, being somewhat of the shortest, some very prominent parts of his stem frame were disclosed, as even an apology for a shirt he had none.

The purser was not there to take the humorous view, but he conceived that March wanted something higher up, and he was able to offer him a room of those on the promenade where he had seen swells going in and out, for six hundred dollars.

"None at all, sir, thank ye," replied the man, faintly; "but the purser may chalk me down D.D. as soon as he pleases. I suppose he'll cheat government out of our day's grub though," continued the man, with a smile.

Snap gasped, "My God, that was in my radio room strong box! I'm the only one on this vessel except the Captain who's entitled to know those passwords!" Out of the silence, Balch demanded, "Well, what about it, Johnson?" The purser was still defiant. "I won't answer your questions, Balch. At the proper time, I'll explain Gregg Haljan, you're choking me!" I eased up. But I shook him.

The surgeon and purser were also there, though they stood a little apart from the more nautical dignitaries. The hail that followed came out of a trumpet that was thrust through the mizzen-rigging; the officer who used it taking his cue from the poop. "What brig is that?" commenced the discourse. "The Molly Swash, of New York, Stephen Spike, master." "Where from, and whither bound?"