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"Uncle," Rostov, and Ilagin kept stealthily glancing at one another's dogs, trying not to be observed by their companions and searching uneasily for rivals to their own borzois. Rostov was particularly struck by the beauty of a small, pure-bred, red-spotted bitch on Ilagin's leash, slender but with muscles like steel, a delicate muzzle, and prominent black eyes.

"A natural born heart-breaker," he said to himself as he went toward the bunk-house, "a genuine, full-grown vampire, part intentional an' part because it's in her but she's a pure-bred " He grew pensive and silent, a look of gentleness came to his face, followed quickly by an expression of extreme humility. "Oh, hell," he exclaimed aloud, "what's th' use!"

In the field at our left a lazy lot of white-faced cattle, large and placid, lolled or grazed on the new spring grass. Surveying these cattle with a fond eye had she not that day refused all of three hundred and twenty-five dollars a head for a score of these pure-bred cows? my hostess read me a brief lecture on the superior fleshing disposition of the Hereford.

Tannis' great-grandmother had been a Cree squaw who married a French trapper. The son of this union became in due time the father of Auguste Dumont. Auguste married a woman whose mother was a French half-breed and whose father was a pure-bred Highland Scotchman.

"Why," he said to me, "If I was a well-bred horse, or sheep, or a pure-bred pigeon or lop-eared rabbit I should be more saleable. If I was even a cathedral in a colonial town people would give me something, but as it is they do not want me"; and now that he was well and rested he wanted to set up a shop again, but this, of course, I would not hear of.

But I shouldn't care for diamonds myself. I'd like a swanky tennis- racket." "I'd like a revolver, latest pattern," said Jerry. "I should like a first-class camera," said Hugh. "I'd like a pure-bred bull-dog," said Dick. "I'd like a nice little model sewing-machine," said Prue. "I'd like six pairs of stilts," said Grizzel, "and then we could all walk home on them."

This thought flattered him, for hitherto the only account of this young man he could give to his intimates was "My brother-in-law met him in one of these one-horse old German towns, near some mines, and sent him on to me with a letter. He's one of the Costaguana Goulds, pure-bred Englishmen, but all born in the country.

Felsenburgh was called the Son of Man, because he was so pure-bred a cosmopolitan; the Saviour of the World, because he had slain war and himself survived even even here Percy's voice faltered even Incarnate God, because he was the perfect representative of divine man. The quiet, priestly face watching opposite never winced or moved; and he went on. Persecution, he said, was coming.

Their figures are well shaped, being perfectly straight and graceful, and nearly all of them have the small foot and hand, which may be regarded as a symbol of unmixed blood when very small and well shaped; as although the Mestizas gain from their European progenitor a greater fairness of skin, they generally retain the marks of it in their larger bones, and their hands and feet are seldom so well shaped as those of the pure-bred Indian, even although the Spaniards are noted for possessing these points in equal or greater perfection than the people of other European countries.

Indeed, it has been remarked by excellent judges of stock, that if they desired to select a dairy of cows for milk for sale, they would make their selection from cows commonly called native, in preference to pure-bred animals of any of the established breeds, and that they believed they should find such a dairy the most profitable.