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"If you mean Hamilton, it seems to me that he treats you with an excess of decency that there's no occasion for." Winifred laughed. "In any case, he doesn't drive me out here every two or three weeks, though" she glanced at her companion provokingly "he once or twice suggested that he would like to." "I suppose you pointed out his presumption?"

All this provokingly and bewitchingly delivered, however, and with a simulated exaggeration that was incited apparently more by Mr. Lawrence Grant's evident enjoyment of it, than by any desire to defend the absent Parmlee. "But where is the front door?" asked Grant laughingly.

It was not without the guidance of the inward light that we arrayed ourselves with Liberty, Truelove." "Sometimes what one thinks is the leading of the inward light is but the old Adam that is within us tempting to strife," remarked Truelove provokingly. "I greatly fear 'tis so in thy case, Margaret. 'Tis easily seen that thou art of a froward and perverse nature.

She provokingly stopped there. I entreated her to go on. She invited me to sit on her knee. "I want to whisper," she said. It was too ridiculous but I did it. Miss Jillgall's whisper told me serious news. "The minister has some reason, Euneece, for disapproving of Mr. Dunboyne; but, mind this, I don't think he has a bad opinion of the young man himself. He is going to return Mr. Dunboyne's call.

But a lingering suspicion that perhaps the subject was a distasteful one to Fanny Meyrick made me pause, and a few moments after, as some one else joined her, I left her and went to the smokestack for my cigar. It was impossible, in the daily monotony of ship-life, to avoid altogether the young lady whom Fate had thrown in my way. She was a most provokingly good sailor, too.

"It is more likely that her coming to the hotel for the money suggested to the servants the idea of stealing it; that they stole it and then threw it all upon her." Peter Gerasimovich spoke provokingly, which communicated itself to the foreman. As a result the latter began to defend his position more persistently.

I frequently started, and on seeing two dim lights upon the altar, and on hearing the ceaseless and eternal murmurs going on going on around me, without being immediately able to ascribe them to their proper cause, I set myself down as a lost man; for on that terror I was provokingly clear during the whole night.

There are some things one can't talk about but you are life itself and you are all heaven and all hell to me." "I don't want to be hellish," she put in provokingly. "But you are when I think you may slip from me, after all." The yellow leaves fluttered over them over the fallen log and over the bright green moss beside the little spring.

I did so, and the answers I received were always provokingly limited to the letter of the inquiry: she was much as usual: she made no complaints, but the tone of her last letter evinced great depression of mind: she said she was better: and, finally, she said she was well, and very busy with her son’s education, and with the management of her late husband’s property, and the regulation of his affairs.

She saw, too, that Fanning was anxious to provoke Roy into a race. Presumably he was anxious to humiliate the boy in Regina Mortlake's eyes. "Well, do you want to race then?" asked Regina, provokingly, her fine eyes flashing, "there's a bit of road beyond here that's quite broad and one hardly ever meets anything."