United States or United States Virgin Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He had retained an old term used by the troopers and called it his 'profonde, and it was his 'profonde' in fact. "He had taken the gold lace off the Prussian uniforms, the brass off their helmets, detached their buttons, etc., and had thrown them all into his 'profonde, which was full to overflowing.

If he had not had his 'profonde' what would he have done? He doubtless would have swallowed them. "Each morning his pocket was empty. He had, then, some general store where his riches were piled up. But where? I could not discover it.

Several Jews, who spoke Spanish to each other, were playing backgammon on a raised bench, and seemed to have in their furs and dresses that "malproprete profonde et huileuse" which M. de Custine tells us characterizes the dirt of the north as contrasted with that of the southern nations. The cafe of the Indian, on the contrary, was perfectly clean and new.

«La plus profonde tranchée de ce pays est, sans contredit, celle ou coule la Meuse, qui, malgré la dureté des roches d'ardoise et de quartz au travers desquelles elle passe, a coupé le terrain depuis Charleville jusqu'â Givet,

Helas! cher Monsieur; je n'ai pas de consolation a vous offrir; je ne puis que vous assurer de ma profonde sympathie. Je juge de ce que vous devez souffrir par ce que je ressentirais a votre place. Mon coeur est avec le votre. From Lord Clarendon January 11th.

"Vai, ch'avete gl'intelletti sani, Mirate la dottrina che s'asconde, Sotto queste coperte, alte e profonde!" In the course of social transition, professions, like dogs, have their day. A calling honourable in one century, becomes infamous in the next; and vocations grow obsolete, like the fashioning of our garments or figures of speech. In barbarous communities, the strong man is king:

"Chaque génération d'hommes Germant du champs maternal en sa saison, Garde en elle un secret commun, un certain noeud dans la profonde contexture de son bois," Claudel assures us through the mask of Tête d'Or.

Ainsi crois que, loin de souffrir des devoirs que je me suis imposes, j'y trouve la plus profonde satisfaction, et que je me trouve plus respectable que si je ne faisais rien." "WEST LODGE. Vendredi. "J'avais l'intention de partir aujourd'hui mais la tante Susan parait tellement triste quand je parle de m'en aller que j'ai du reculer mon depart jusqu'a lundi.

C'était pendant l'horreur d'une profonde nuit. By the same simple methods his art can describe the wonderful and perfect beauty of innocence Le jour n'est pas plus pur que le fond de mon coeur; and the furies of insensate passion C'est Vénus toute entière

Jamais je n'aurais cru le Gladstone que j'ai connu capable de parler de la Chambre des pairs comme il le fait. Et cependant, une profonde modification dans la composition de la Chambre Haute ne sera-t-elle pas un jour le salut de la cause et des interets conservateurs en Angleterre?