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A lawn and garden and an infant avenue, all ruled straight like a botanical account- book. Gas and ventilation, drainage and water-service, all of the primest quality. Iron clamps and girders, fire-proof from top to bottom; mechanical lifts for the housemaids, with all their brushes and brooms; everything that heart could desire. Everything? Well, I suppose so.

Fortunate man if he succeed in doing so! The torch of the incendiary had for the first time been introduced into the parish of Marney; and last night the primest stacks of the Abbey farm had blazed a beacon to the agitated neighbourhood. "It is not so much the fire, sir," said Mr Bingley of the Abbey farm to Egremont, "but the temper of the people that alarms me.

Such a dress! white greatcoat, blue satin cravat, hair oiled and curling, hat of the primest curve, gloves scented with eau-de-Cologne, primrose in tint, skin in tightness. In this prime of dandyism, he took up a nasty, oily, dirty hog-tool, and immortalised Copenhagen by touching the sky. I thought after he was gone, "This won't do a Frenchman touch Copenhagen!"

"If that were possible I guess we ought to make the primest bacon. Hallo, here comes the d d neche. What's up now, I wonder? Well, Rainy-Moon, what is it?" The Indian had stopped his dogs and now turned back to speak to the two men. His face was expressionless. He was a tall specimen of the Cree Indian. "Ugh," he grunted, as he came to a standstill.

Indeed, when at the last performance the National Anthem was sung and the meeting came to an end I could have sat down and wept. Of course I recollect the stir made by the production of Costa's "Eli" in 1855, and especially do I seem to remember Mr. Sims Beeves then in his primest prime and his thrilling declamation of the "War Song."

Both the workman and Take-a-Stitch laughed at the little one's wry face, while having divided the bread and meat into three fair portions, all fell to with a will, so that soon not a crumb was left. "Ah, that was prime!" cried Glory, smacking her lips; "and you're the primest sort of man to give it to us.

Lucas, has lost up to date, 32 negroes the best part of her primest negroes on her plantation." "Found. She is about 30 years of age, and is a LUNATIC. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, or SHE WILL BE SOLD TO PAY HER JAIL FEES. FRED'K HOME, Jailor."

He says he is coming to Verner's Pride to-morrow morning at the earliest genteel hour after breakfast." "And what does he say to the fright he has caused?" resumed Lionel. "Does nothing but laugh over it. Says it's the primest fun he ever had in his life. He has come back very poor, Lionel." "Poor?

The two latter were taking their time about this business Captain Annesley being very anxious to have a thorough picked crew but they had succeeded in securing some five and twenty of the primest seamen lately paid off from the "Juno," as well as about forty other good men.

In them, veritably, quoth he, have I remarked and observed some excellent and notable mysteries; yea, of such important worth and weight, that I shall never henceforth be astonished, nor think strange, why the Turks with a great deal of worship and reverence honour and respect natural fools equally with their primest doctors, muftis, divines, and prophets.