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The play, the novel and the picture flourish on the same stem, and the very advertisement posters tell their lies artistically. Paris is the metropolis of ideas. You may catch them there and set up as a prophet on the strength of a fortnight's holiday. Maeterlinck says he learnt all he knows from a man he met in a brasserie. Fancy picking up ideas in a pothouse!

The clerk forgot his master's presence and shut his notebook with a bang, 'Congratulate you, sir, says he, quite pert to Maskew; 'you are the landlord of the poorest pothouse in the Duchy at 200 a year. The bailiff paid no heed to what his man did, but took his periwig off and wiped his head. 'Well, I'm hanged, he said; and so the Why Not? was lost.

He lay there while Afanasy, gloomy and scowling, hovered about him, sighing heavily, and smelling like a pothouse. "A month later Byelikov died. We all went to his funeral that is, both the high-schools and the seminary.

Allotment, did she say? and how did he lose his allotment? didn't he drink, drink, drink, till he had to hand over his allotment to the landlord of the pothouse, and did not they take it away from both as soon as they heard of it? Served him right. They had not got a pound of potatoes, and the children did use to lick up the potato-pot liquor as if they liked it.

Stand back, ye rascals, or I will score your pates till they have as many marks upon them as a pothouse door! Are ye mad? I have done you no harm." "Thou liest!" quoth the one who pretended to be blind and who, being the lustiest villain, was the leader of the others, "thou liest! For thou hast come among us as a vile spy.

Petulengro; "why bring what's low to the dingle, which is low enough already?" "What, are you a catcher at words?" said I. "I thought that catching at words had been confined to the pothouse farmers and village witty bodies." "All fools," said Mrs. Petulengro, "catch at words, and very naturally, as by so doing they hope to prevent the possibility of rational conversation.

A little group of pothouse politicians, wire-pullers, busybodies, local journalists, and small lawyers, working for various monetary interests, have "captured" the local Conservative organization. They have time and energy to capture it, because they have no other interest in life except that. It is their "business," and honest men are busy with other duties.

Ruddiman, said in a sorrowful voice 'He calls the Pig and Whistle a pothouse. 'Ah, that was wrong of him! protested the other, no less earnestly. 'A pothouse, indeed! Why, it's one of the nicest little inns you could find anywhere. I'm getting fond of the Pig and Whistle. A pothouse, indeed! No, I call that shameful. The listener's eyes shone with gratification.

Catching at words confined to pothouse farmers, and village witty bodies! No, not to Jasper Petulengro. Listen for an hour or two to the discourse of a set they call newspaper editors, and if you don't go out and eat grass, as a dog does when he is sick, I am no female woman.

To his daughter he had spoken only a few cold words, and his last bidding to her was 'Take care of the pothouse! This treatment gave Miss Fouracres much pain, for she was a softhearted woman, and had never been anything but loyal and affectionate to her father all through his disastrous years. Moreover, she liked the Pig and Whistle, and could not bear to hear it spoken of disdainfully.