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Stand by to give them a broadside as they pass." Ito nodded comprehendingly, and vanished from my side. A minute later, the leading Russian destroyer came abreast the Asashio, and Captain Matsunaga showed that he was as wideawake as the rest of us, by plumping a 12-pound and three 6-pound shells into her.

"Which on 'em, sir?" said the gunner drily. "Why, that one! There's only one," cried Hilary sharply. "Look alive! and ah how provoking, the light's out!" "Ay, sir, they've dowsed their light now the boats know where to go, and it would be only waste o' good powder and round shot to go plumping 'em into that there bank o' blackness out yonder."

Felicia aimed high. The thought and trouble which the young lady had spent, since her arrival, on her hair, her hands, and the minor points of English manners, not to mention the padding and plumping of her small person which in spite of all her efforts, however, remained of a most sylphlike slimness by a generous diet of cream and butter, only she and Hesketh knew.

Beamish, as she marched off herself with brush and scrubber: "I 'ope, now you know it, you'll 'ave a little more love and gratitoode for your own mother than ever you 'ad before." "Oh lor!" said the girl. "Oh, lor!" And plumping down on the chopping-block she snatched her apron to her face and began to cry. Two months passed before Mahony could help Polly and Mrs.

He had hardly caught tip the broken threads when a firm, heavy footfall came three steps at a time from below, and Hastie, in blazer and flannels, burst into the room. "Still at it!" said he, plumping down into his wonted arm-chair. "What a chap you are to stew!

"Yes, I believe they do call him Martin," responded Melvina imperturbably, resuming her interrupted task of turning the mattress and plumping its feathers into luxurious billows of softness. Ellen did not speak immediately. When she did it was to ask: "What's Martin Howe doin' on my land?" "Helpin', I s'pose," Melvina replied with indifference. "He often does." "He comes over here an' works?"

"And she " prompted Mr. Miller, displaying a polite interest. "She ain't so young as she was," said the carpenter. "Cares of a family," said Mr. Wiggett, plumping boldly. "I always thought Mrs. Pullen was younger than her." "So did I," said Mr. Miller, "much younger." Mr. Wiggett eyed him sharply.

As she did so the top flew open and out popped a dusky creature, rising its length into the air and then plumping down upon the ground just beside the little girl.

The fish, too, make a more considerable feature of the brookside, and the trout plumping in the shadow takes the ear. A stream should, besides, be narrow enough to cross, or the burn hard by a bridge, or we are at once shut out of Eden. The quantity of water need be of no concern, for the mind sets the scale, and can enjoy a Niagara Fall of thirty inches. Let us approve the singer of

In less than an hour the 'Créole' worked to windward, and opened a fire from her long guns to which the other could make no reply. There they came plumping in, some into the hull, some splintering through the bulwarks, and some crashing away through the rigging; and all the crew could do was to repair the mischief the distant cannonade was making.