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"Against St. Swithin's hastie showers, The lily white reigns queen of the flowers" A festival around which so much curious lore has clustered. In former years St. Margaret: "Poppies a sanguine mantle spread For the blood of the dragon that Margaret shed." This seems doubtful, and some would corrupt the word "sweet" from the French oeillet, corrupted to Willy, and thence to William. Mr.

"Then there's the lass Alison Hastie, in Lime Kilns," said I. "Her that helped Alan and me across the Forth. I was thinking if I could get her a good Sunday gown, such as she could wear with decency in her degree, it would be an ease to my conscience; for the mere truth is, we owe her our two lives." "I am glad so see you are thrifty, Mr. Balfour," says he, making his notes.

"Yes, and I begin to think that I shall take it." "I don't know what the deuce you fellows are talking about," said Hastie, "but I think, if I were you, Harrington, I should get Lee to bed at once. It will be time enough to discuss the why and the wherefore when he is a little stronger. I think, Smith, you and I can leave him alone now.

While a student there, he sat at the feet of two teachers representing the new and the old, the West and the East. In the College classroom he received religious instruction from Dr. Hastie, the distinguished theologian who afterwards taught Scottish students of theology in the University of Glasgow.

The show of hands was declared by Sheriff Alison to be in favour of Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Dalglish, and a poll was demanded for Mr. Hastie. The poll took place next day, when the majority of those who had supported Mr. Merry, at the election six weeks before, recorded their votes for Mr. Dalglish. At the close of the poll the votes stood Buchanan, 7069 Dalglish, 6764 Hastie, 5044

David Jones and David Griffiths these two men were the pioneers of Protestant missions in Madagascar the first in 1820, the second a year later. The main strength of these early missionaries was devoted to educational work, in which they were vigorously supported by King Radama I, and Mr. Hastie, the British agent.

Hastie, his opponent, was a quiet and easy-going member, who never did anything, either good, bad, or indifferent, to distinguish himself in the House of Commons, and who, as one of his quasi friends declared, had not even the merit of being a regular attender, although he had represented the city in Parliament for ten continuous years. On the nomination day, Mr.

'Nanty Ewart could steer through the Pentland Firth though he were as drunk as the Baltic Ocean, said Robin Hastie; and instantly tripping downstairs, he speedily returned with the materials for what he called his BROWST, which consisted of two English quarts of spirits, in a huge blue bowl, with all the ingredients for punch in the same formidable proportion. At the same time he introduced Mr.

I think it best to leave it alone." Hastie nodded, and they relapsed into a contented silence. "By-the-way, Smith," asked Hastie, presently, "have you made the acquaintance of either of the fellows on your stair yet?" "Just a nod when we pass. Nothing more." "Hum! I should be inclined to let it stand at that. I know something of them both. Not much, but as much as I want.

Finallie the King, after he had beene prisoner one yeare, six weekes, and three daies, was set at libertie on Candle-mass day, and then with long and hastie journies, not keeping the high waies, he hasted forth towards England. It is reported that if he had lingered by the way, he had beene eftsoones apprehended.