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"No, I wouldn't, neither. I'd take pocketin' in mine every time. It's as bad as dope; Corliss, sure. If it once gets a-hold of you, you're a goner. You'll never shake it. Look at me! And talk about pipe-dreams; they can't burn a candle 'longside of it." He walked over and kicked one of the fires apart.

Again we looked at each other; and his look was untroubled. "The pipe-dreams I've had about slipping back into little old New York! But if anybody had told me I'd go back like I'm going, with the sort of folks waiting for me that will be waiting now, I'd have passed it up. Well, you never can tell, can you? And in a way it's funny now isn't it?" "No, you never can tell," said I, soberly.

It seemed to Nance that whoever it was must surely hear the noisy beating of her heart. Then she heard the steps move away and she sighed with relief. Birdie, coming in later, dismissed the matter with gay denial. "One of your pipe-dreams, Nance! It must have been one of the other boarders, or the wash woman.

"It was n't that she was really so ugly," he afterwards explained to me, "but there was n't anything about her that you could tie to, and sort of forget the rest" except her "stuff," and he wasn't sure but that was one of Arthur's "pipe-dreams." She had no style, no face, no figure. Nothing at all for a little starter. She was just a girl, that was all just a girl.

If it succeeded, all right; I'm the young Gus Thomas, and may go ahead in the literary game. If it's a fizzle, off goes my coat, and I abandon pipe-dreams of literary triumphs and start in as the guy who put the Co. in Boyd & Co. Well, events have proved that I am the guy, and now I'm going to keep my part of the bargain just as squarely as dad kept his.

The opinions of the papists are the intellectual pipe-dreams of idle pates, that serve no other purpose but to draw men away from the true worship of God. The papacy is founded upon hallucinations. The true way of salvation is this. First, a person must realize that he is a sinner, the kind of a sinner who is congenitally unable to do any good thing. "Whatsoever is not of faith, is sin."

Because he got a story in the International Magazine, he's stuck on himself, and he won't hustle for news he wants to write pipe-dreams. What the public wants just now is news." "That's it," said one of the group, "and we must give it to them even if we have to fake it." Great events followed each other with great rapidity.

Be thankful, as I said, Joe, if you have to settle for it here settle for it yourself alone." All around, above and below, ahead and astern, he looked, a long, long look astern his foot on the step, and singing softly, almost to himself: "And if I come to you, my love, And my heart free from guile, Will you have a glance for me Will you on me smile? Oh, Lord! pipe-dreams pipe-dreams.

The other was to name my boys after those two men. It may be only fancy, but I think names have an influence, you know. A father's fancy let it go at that! I'd like somehow to have one of my boys an artist, and watch him grow. I used to dream about the future on that lazy voyage to Genoa. Every man does at times. Pipe-dreams, you know. "Rosa was out and about when I reached the Via Palestro.

His imperial pipe-dreams has devoured many more. Between 1804 and 1815 he has had slaughtered 1,700,000 Frenchmen, born within the boundaries of ancient France, to which must be added, probably, 2,000,000 men born outside of these limits, and slain for him, under the title of allies, or slain by him under the title of enemies.