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A hand seemed to catch Carlotta's heart and hold it. "They're old friends." "Piffle! Being an old friend doesn't make you look at a girl as if you wanted to take a bite out of her. Mark my word, Miss Harrison, she'll never finish her training; she'll marry him. I wish," concluded the probationer plaintively, "that some good-looking fellow like that would take a fancy to me. I'd do him credit.

"How d'you feel?" asked Delorme as Dam went to his stool. "Happy," said he. "Don't talk piffle," was the reply. "How do you feel? Wind all right? Groggy at all?" "Not a bit," said Dam. "I am enjoying it." And so he was. Hitherto the Snake had had him bound and helpless.

Throughout the narrative, however, the doctor punctuated my periods with derisive snorts which were disconcerting to an orderly presentation of the facts. Nevertheless, I continued until I had reached what I regarded as a telling climax. "Piffle!" he rejoined. "One hoarse raucous piffle and three sharp decisive puffs for your arguments!

Why, if it hadn't been for you and for what you did with your precious 'helping, Charles would have had a chance to make good money. Now, Morton and Carrington are charging the independent dealers twenty-two cents a box. But for this strike, Charles might have induced those old pirates to raise their price to him a little, and let him make some money.... Help him oh, piffle!"

The fortunes such men as Maundering and Piffle and Drool made! And all he had accomplished so far had been the earnest support of the postal service. Far back at the beginning he had been unfortunate enough to sell a sonnet for ten shillings. Alack! You sell your first sonnet, you win your first hand at cards, and then the passion has you. Poetry was a drug on the market.

Our forces are now thus disposed: Potty, with the brave artillery, lies behind the south-east shoulder of the Blue Mountains, on the Sandusky and Samuel City road; Piffle, with the Army of the Centre, has fallen back into Sandusky itself; while Stevenson still holds the same position across the Sandusky river, his advance to which will constitute his chief claim to celebrity.

"You can't imagine," Sydney exclaimed, "that the people downstairs will be such drivelling asses as to believe piffle like that." Anna measured out the coffee. Her eyes were lit with a gleam of humour. After all, it was really rather funny. "Well, I don't know," she said thoughtfully.

Thus a lady of great personal charm, whose terrible experience has for some weeks focussed the attention of the civilised world upon the affairs of her private life passes " "You needn't go on," said Meldon. "The rest of the article is mere piffle. The essential part is what you've read out, and I imagine it ought to pretty well clinch the matter.

I found him quite hopeless. "Chaps go dotty talkin' that piffle," was his comment.

One might almost imagine that the prophets are inspired by that kind of gratitude which is a lively sense of favors to come." "Oh, piffle! You know that is all nonsense!" "Is it?" queried the railroad man, stressing the first word meaningly. Then, shifting the point of attack: "You're mighty innocent, aren't you, old man? But I think you might have told me.