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"I like the green grass better," said Nora. "Oh, yes! but then I like this too. I like it very much. Nora, what did you mean by a pic-nic?" "A pic-nic?" said Nora. "Yes; you said you thought people did not eat dinner, but it was a pic-nic." "Well, I thought they didn't." "What did you mean by a pic-nic?" "Why I meant just that. You know what a pic-nic is."

"But there is a retributive justice in this world. Even pic-nic parties have their moral, and folly itself affords an example from which a wise saw may be extracted.

In the veracious "History of Sandford and Merton," if our memory serves us aright, there is an instance quoted of remarkable presence of mind relating to an Umbrella and its owner. The members of a comfortable pic-nic party were cosily assembled in some part of India, when an unbidden and most unwelcome guest made his appearance, in the shape of a huge Bengal tiger.

Regularly once a fortnight ever since we have been married, John, have we made our little Pic-Nic there. If anything was to go wrong with it, I should almost think we were never to be lucky again. 'It was a kind thought in the first instance, said the Carrier: 'and I honour you for it, little woman. 'My dear John, replied Dot, turning very red, 'don't talk about honouring ME. Good Gracious!

"This proposal was hailed with delight, as all wished very much to visit the beautiful mountain that rose so majestically above us. It was settled, then, that on the first fine day, as soon as our cart should be constructed, we would set forth, and make a grand pic-nic to the Snow-mountain." "In three days the cart was finished.

Rainsfield, who was bent upon a coup de main, now proposed to John Ferguson, that he should stop the night at Strawberry Hill; and she would make up a little pic-nic, for the following day, to the falls of the Wombi; which she had heard the people talk a good deal about, and had often desired to see.

"But trust me, gentleman, I'll prove more true, Than those that have more cunning to be strange." There are plans for happy pic-nic parties to Kirkstall Abbey, in the glowing September days, when "Uncle, Aunt, and Cousin Jane," the last engaged to a Mr. Morgan, another clergyman were of the party; all since dead, except Mr. Bronte.

After rambling pleasantly about for some weeks, we were about to return, when we determined that before sailing we should accept an invitation some officers of the "Dwarf" frigate, then stationed there, had given us, to pass a day at Pera, and pic-nic in the mountain.

A gentleman came up to me and asked "if I had seen the 'Casket, a curious work, the most beautiful, the most highly ornamented and then the editor or editress a female so interesting, might he ask a very great favour," and out he pulled a piece of this pic-nic.

Many wondered at his locating himself here, as the village was then but small, and offered few inducements to professional men. "He was very affable and pleasing in his address, and soon made the acquaintance of many of the young people of the village, and we soon found him to be a very agreeable addition to our pic-nic excursions and other parties for pleasure and amusement.