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'But all their Modern State Civilisation! 'Do you think there's any pity in that crew of Godless, Vivisecting Prigs? cried this last king of romance. 'Do you think, Pestovitch, they understand anything of a high ambition or a splendid dream? Do you think that our gallant and sublime adventure has any appeal to them?

He affected ill-health and a great preoccupation with his new official mistress, for his semi-barbaric court was arranged on the best romantic models. His tactics were ably seconded by Doctor Pestovitch, his chief minister. Failing to establish his claims to complete independence, King Ferdinand Charles annoyed the conference by a proposal to be treated as a protected state.

Pestovitch nodded 'yes' to his master. 'And then, you see, said the ex-king in that easy way of his, 'we'll have a lot of men here, borrow help from your police, and run through all your things. And then everything will be over. Meanwhile, if I may be your guest.... When presently Pestovitch was alone with the king again, he found him in a state of jangling emotions.

He glanced at Pestovitch, who nodded almost imperceptibly. It was well, anyhow, to have a fool to deal with. They might have sent a diplomatist. 'Of course, said the king, 'I recognise the overpowering force and a kind of logic in these orders from Brissago. 'I knew you would, said the ex-king, with an air of relief, 'and so let us arrange They arranged with a certain informality.

The king and his minister had talked at first in whispers; they had fallen silent, for they found little now to express except a vague anxiety. Away there on the mountain side were the white metal roofs of the long farm buildings beneath which the bomb factory and the bombs were hidden. It was time they started if the scheme was to work as Pestovitch had planned it. It was a magnificent plan.

Pestovitch and his guard-valet Peter, both wrapped about in a similar disguise, came out among the laurels that bordered the pathway and joined him. It was a clear, warm night, but the stars seemed unusually little and remote because of the aeroplanes, each trailing a searchlight, that drove hither and thither across the blue.

It was his habit to worry his moustache with short, nervous tugs whenever his restless mind troubled him, and now this motion was becoming so incessant that it irked Pestovitch beyond the limits of endurance. 'I will go, said the minister, 'and see what the trouble is with the wireless. They give us nothing, good or bad.

'Bombs, cried the man upon the ground, struggling with the prongs in his hand, and as Pestovitch staggered forward into view with the force of his own thrust, he was shot through the body by one of the two new-comers. The man on the ground was badly hurt but plucky. 'Bombs, he repeated, and struggled up into a kneeling position and held his electric torch full upon the face of the king.

It was hot work shifting those bombs, and the king worked for a time like a common man. Kurt and Abel carried the great things up and Peter brought them to the carts, and the king and Pestovitch helped him to place them among the hay. They made as little noise as they could.... 'Ssh! cried the king. 'What's that?

Kurt made a step forward and plucked his brother back. For a time all five men stood still. It seemed that light would never go and then abruptly it was turned off, leaving them blinded. 'Now, said the king uneasily, 'now shut the door. 'Not completely, cried Pestovitch. 'Leave a chink for us to go out by....