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Ten years later a still more striking proof of Chinese weakness was afforded by the rapid and complete defeat of the vast, ill-organised empire by Japan, the youngest of the great powers. The war gave to Japan Formosa and the Pescadores Islands, and added her to the list of imperialist powers. Russia, France and Germany combined in this step; Britain stood aloof.

"Well," he rejoined, "what can you expect in this filthy place? This street isn't so bad, but of course she has so often been down in those slums in the Parelelo. The Calle de Pescadores alone is enough to give anyone a fever. I think Sobrenski has made a point of sending her down every poisonous street in the place.

"In the Calle de Pescadores out at Barcelonetta. Sobrenski sent me with a message to you. The place is being watched. If they see you go in you may be arrested. The others got to hear about the spies, and went early. They are going to stay there all night because it isn't safe to leave." Her tone was that of one who repeats a well-learned lesson. Emile shrugged. "Spies? So that's it!

In the treaty obtained China was compelled to acknowledge the independence of Korea, to cede to Japan the island of Formosa and the Pescadores group, and that part of Manchuria occupied by the Japanese army, including Port Arthur, also to pay an indemnity of 300,000,000 taels and open seven new treaty ports. This treaty was not fully carried out.

It seemed extraordinary that the quaint words, the curious phrases I had learnt during our exile at the Pescadores Islands by sheer dint of dictionary and grammar book, without attaching the least sense to them should mean anything. But so it seemed, however, for I was at once understood. I wish in the first place to speak to one M. Kangourou, who is interpreter, washerman, and matrimonial agent.

Now that a part of the natives have yielded to conversion, and others have fled farther into the interior to escape it, no human being is to be found in the tract of land which we were surveying; no trace remains of a numerous race called Korekines, by whom it was once inhabited. Since the river Pescadores was already known, I chose the other, which flows from the north, and is called Sacramento.

It recognized the independence of Korea; ceded to Japan the littoral of Manchuria lying south of a line drawn from the mouth of the river Anping to the estuary of the Liao, together with the islands of Formosa and the Pescadores; pledged China to pay an indemnity of two hundred million taels; provided for the occupation of Weihaiwei by Japan pending payment of that sum; secured the opening of four new places to foreign trade and the right of foreigners to engage in manufacturing enterprises in China, and provided for a treaty of commerce and amity between the two empires, based on the lines of China's treaty with Occidental powers.

The Cygnet and a bark sail from Cape Corrientes for the Ladrones Short allowance of food The crew threaten to mutiny Narrow escape from shipwreck Guam reached Friendly intercourse with the Governor Provisions obtained A friar kept as hostage A Manilla ship appears and escapes Quit Guam and reach Mindanao, one of the Philippines Visit from Rajah Laut The Viceroy An officer visits the Sultan Friendly reception Entertainments on shore Rajah Laut's treachery The crew become discontented Run off with the Cygnet leaving Captain Swan and portion of the crew on shore Many die poisoned by the natives The Cygnet lays in wait for the Manilla ship Reed chosen as captain Put into a harbour Refit the ship and cut down the quarter-deck Nearly wrecked Anchor off Mindano Go to Polo Condore Refit the ship Live on friendly terms with the natives Again sail Some of a boat's crew killed by Malays Proceed to the west of China Remarks on the natives Come off the Pescadores Obtain provisions from the natives The Bashee Islands visited Leave Luconia Dampier desires to return for Captain Swan Hears of his death Waterspouts Anchor off Callasunguny Visits exchanged with the Sultan Sail for the coast of New Holland Intercourse with the natives Sail for the Nicobar Islands A canoe with natives captured Dampier set on shore Brought off again Again set on shore with several companions They obtain a canoe, and set sail for Achin Perilous voyage Reach Achin Sufferings of the voyagers Dampier makes several voyages, and becomes gunner at Boncoulin Plan of trading to Meangis The Painted Prince He escapes privately to Boncoulin on board the Defence Reaches England after twelve years absence Death of the Painted Prince-Dampier publishes his adventures.

Raynsford's in Rua Pescadores, from whose house we were to set out. Every thing being ready about noon, we mounted our mules, and formed a very respectable cavalcade, our party for the interior consisting of Captain Lyon, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. A. Walker, and myself, with a train of loaded mules, we were also favoured by the escort of Messrs. Raynsford, and Lewis, on our first day's march.

Francisco, the Sierra Nevada are nowhere visible; but they first come in sight after having passed the point where the Pescadores and the Sacramento unite. The day was again passed in sport, and we shot many stags, the meat of which proved extremely good. During the night we were again disturbed by the little wolves so common here: they stole some pieces of our venison.