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There had been four inquests, all upon the bodies of air-raid victims: a road-man, his wife, an orphan baby all belonging to the thick central mass of the proletariat, for a West End slum had received a bomb full in the face and Lady Queenie Paulle.

There is no such place as Wrikton and this river and this window. There couldn't be, could there? Queen and I motored over here once from Paulle it's not so very far and we agreed that it didn't really exist.

And she then continued in exactly the same tone: "Lady Queenie Paulle has just been telephoning from Lechford House, sir." She still despite her marvellous experiences impishly loved to make extraordinary announcements as if they were nothing at all. And she felt an uplifted satisfaction in having talked to Lady Queenie Paulle herself on the telephone. "What does she want?"

You know he's on the continent at present. He wouldn't take me with him because he wanted to create an effect of austerity in Paris that's what he said; and I must get this accident affair settled up before he comes back, or he may dismiss me. I don't think he will, because I'm a cousin of the late Lady Queenie Paulle that's how I got the place but he may. And then where should I be?

G.J. said: "Sir Stephen, you are just too late for the resolution as to Lady Queenie Paulle." "I deeply apologise, Mr. Chairman," replied the aged but active Sir Stephen, nervously stroking his rather long beard. "I hope, however, that I may be allowed to associate myself very closely with the resolution."

Carrel Quire and is related to the Paulle family," observed Eve, mingling a mild reproach with joyous vivacity, as if saying: "Why did you keep this titbit from me?" "I must now have a little repose," said Mr. Prohack. "We'll leave you," Eve said, eager to be agreeable. "You must be tired, you poor dear. I'm just going out to shop with Sissie.

Then Lady Queenie Paulle entered rather hurriedly, filling the room with a distinguished scent. All the men rose in haste, and there was a frightful scraping of chair-legs on the floor. Lady Queenie cheerfully apologised for being late, and, begging no one to disturb himself, took a modest place between the chairman and the secretary and a little behind them.

And the sharp condiment to all this was the general knowledge of the bachelor G.J.'s long intimacy with her, and of their having both been at Lechford House on the night of the raid, and both been at the inquest on the body of Lady Queenie Paulle on that very day.

He was happy as for quite ten years he had never hoped to be. Yes, he grieved for Concepcion; but somehow grief could not mingle with nor impair the happiness he felt. And was not Concepcion lying in the affectionate arms of Queenie Paulle? Christine, glancing about her contentedly, reverted to one of her leading ideas: "Truly, it is very romantic, thy London!"

At the close of a conscientious and highly critical round of the galleries they had at length reached the Rops room, and they were discussing every aspect of Rops except his lubricity, when Lady Queenie Paulle approached them from behind. Molder was the first to notice her and turn. He blushed.