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"When you have to explain to a woman," she said in the tone of one who is stating a natural law, "it is better to write a note; but when it is a man, always explain in person." The Exigencies of Etiquette "If I had been the one to invent etiquette," said Patty, "I should have made party calls payable one year after date, and then should have allowed three days' grace at the end."

I have never reproached Miss Patty, but if she had only given me the letter to read or had told me the whole truth instead of a part of it, I would have understood, and things would all have been different. It is all very well for her to say that I looked worried enough already, and that anyhow it was a family affair.

"What is to pay, now?" called Tom, from the entry. "Oh, dear!" gasped Gypsy; "it's too funny for anything! If here isn't the carving-knife we scolded Patty for losing last winter, and Oh, Tom, just look here! my stick of peanut candy, that I thought I'd eaten up, all stuck on to my lace under-sleeves!"

"But you're dropped if you flunk eight hours; you told me so yourself." "Don't believe anything I told you," said Patty, reassuringly. "I don't know what I'm talking about more than half the time." "I'd hate to be sent back, and have my father know I'd failed, when he spent so much time preparing me; but" Olivia began to cry again "I want to go back so much that I don't believe I care."

This was more serious talk than Patty was accustomed to, but somehow she felt rather flattered to be addressed thus, and she tried to answer in kind. "But," she said, "if the tradition is the result of the wisdom of past ages, may it not be of more value than individual volition?" "By Jove!" exclaimed Mr.

"Oh, Patty, that I should live to hear you talk such lingo! I thought you were going to be sensible." "How can anybody be sensible with a baby like that! Isn't she the very wonderfullest ever! Oh, Billee, look at her angel smile!" "Angel smile? More like a mountebank's grin! But I'm sure she means well. And I'll agree she is the most wonderful thing in the world."

So run along and get your bonnets, and be sure not to forget to remember to feed the carp." "What is a carp?" asked Patty, as she and Elise ran away to dress. "Fish, I think," said Elise, "but we'll probably find out when we get there."

Then being badly laundered and afterwards crumpled in the trunk, they presented anything but the fresh, crisp appearance that summer dresses ought to have. So Patty looked over her other frocks.

Patty stood blushing as though caught in a guilty act, while she of the Generations came proudly on, Will sniggering behind her. "Who is this, Richard?" asks Miss Manners, pointing a small forefinger. "Patty Swain, if you must know!" I cried, and added boylike: "And she is just as good as you or me, and better." I was quite red in the face, and angry because of it.

"Chapel excuses. I've over-cut four times, I think it's four, though I've rather lost count, and I haven't any excuse." "But, Patty, don't tell me that. You must have some excuse, some reason for " "Not the shadow of one. Just stayed away because I didn't feel like going."