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The generals and their staffs were on horseback, the Ministers in carriages, which were somewhat remarkable, as they were almost the only private carriages then in Paris, for hackney-coaches had been hired to convey the Council of State, and no trouble had been taken to alter them, except by pasting over the number a piece of paper of the same colour as the body of the vehicle.

These are various arrangements of inspecting, counting yards, folding in "book folds," of doubled-over material, or "long folds" of the full width, ticketing and stamping, tying selvages together with silk thread, or tying them to wrapping paper by means of a little instrument called a knot-tier this process is called knotting tying with ribbons, pasting on strips of silver tissue ribbon, further ticketing and stamping, and running the sets of tickets indicating the several yards in each piece through an adding machine, which then produces on a stamped card the total number of yards in each consignment, before it is finally rushed away for shipment.

I kept the people here informed of all your movements. I began the punishment by leaving that note in your stateroom and pasting the other on your suit case, began it by reminding you that the past lived in the minds of some persons. "You know the rest. We began our work. We caused you annoyance from the first, with the banker, the hotel manager, and all that.

How came you to think these photographs might have two backings? There was nothing to show that this was so." "I will tell you, Mrs. Quintard. You helped me." "I helped you?" "Yes. You remember the memorandum you gave me? In it you mentioned pasting photographs.

In the composing room, where the copy is put into type, and in the linotype room, where a part of the type-setting is done by machinery, 95 persons. In the press room, where the printing, folding, cutting, pasting and counting of the papers is done, 30 persons. In the engine and dynamo room, 8 persons. In the care of the building, 3 persons.

Garfield rendered him valuable aid, cutting and sorting the scraps which he would mark in newspapers, and then pasting them into the scrap-books. Freemasonry was very dear to General Garfield, who was a regular attendant on the meetings of the lodge, chapter, and encampment with which he was affiliated.

Schuler's office should be pink with white paint and white curtains at the windows. "We can get very pretty papers for ten cents a roll," said Margaret. "I saw some beauties when I went to the paperers to get some flowery papers for James to cut out when he was pasting decorations on to our Christmas Ship boxes." "Are you going to use wall paper?" asked Miss Merriam quickly.

"I'll bet they'll have such a good time playing the game they won't notice whether the presents are ten centers or fifties," shouted Roger. "I believe we've got the right notion." "We must do everything up nicely so they'll have fun opening the parcels," insisted Helen. "Here's where James begins pasting again.

Above the fireplace was a fine mirror, and Hugo was personally engaged in pasting on the mirror a fine and effective poster, which ran as follows: 'Interesting. Last year the sales of the Children's Boot and Shoe Department surpassed the sales of the Ladies' Ditto by £558.

Why, SUSAN!" Her cousin turned a shocked face from the window where she was carefully pasting newly-washed handkerchiefs, to dry in the night. "Do you remember who you ARE, dear, and don't say dreadful things like that!" In the next few days Susan pressed her one suit, laundered a score of little ruffles and collars, cleaned her gloves, sewed on buttons and strings generally, and washed her hair.