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He reached the city just as that distant horizon in the west was lit up by a streak of brilliant crimson from the fast sinking sun: just when had he but known it! on the crest of Mont Saint Jean, Wellington had waved his hat over his head and given the heroic British army exhausted, but undaunted the order for a general charge; just when the Grand Army, finally checked in its advance, had first set up the ominous call that was like the passing-bell of its dying glory: "Sauve qui peut!"

My slow tread tolled like a passing-bell, and the mountainous ice lay vague and white around me, its sheeted ghastliness not less dreadfully silent than eternity itself. Presently, several of the dogs began barking together, left off, and began again. I said to myself; 'There is a bear about somewhere. And after some five minutes I saw I thought that I saw it.

Fru Astrida would not leave him, and Father Lucas shared her watch. At midnight, all were wakened by the slow notes, falling one by one on the ear, of the solemn passing-bell, calling them to waken, that their prayers might speed a soul on its way. Richard and Lothaire were soon at the bedside. Carloman lay still asleep, his hands folded on his breast, but his breath came in long gasps.

But before the week was over the passing-bell rang out, and a thrill of sympathy ran through the village, and the neighbours looked into each other's faces, and their kind eyes filled with tears as they said "That's little Miss Kitty gone home." It was the phrase Mrs. Macdonald used as she brought in the breakfast for Paul and Sally that morning, and the tears ran down her cheeks as she said it.

There must be some child ill." "Oh dear, dear; the poor little creature!" would come with a sigh from Francoise, who could not hear of any calamity befalling a person unknown to her, even in some distant part of the world, without beginning to lament. Or: "Francoise, for whom did they toll the passing-bell just now? Oh dear, of course, it would be for Mme. Rousseau.

How sad are the remembered strains that aforetime were incentives to love and promises of happiness! Gloom settles upon the scene; Mephisto, the only radiant one, flits across it, and mocks the poor broken-hearted girl clinging to the church door. There is a dungeon, the chanting of the procession of tonsured priests, the passing-bell.

The procession moved slowly along, the passing-bell tolling each minute, and a muffled drum sounding hollowly at intervals. Shortly before the procession started the rain ceased, but the air felt damp and chill, and the roads were inundated.

One could not say exactly what it was, it was so fleeting, so intangible, like warmth that circles from a brazier, or perfume that is wafted from an unseen rose. Thus he came down to death at last, and there was dole in all the Province, so that pilgrims, journeying through that way, asked when they heard his passing-bell, "What king is dead, that all thus do him reverence?"

Their faces are strained forward, their eyes search, they sniff the wind. "Why are you fighting?" "To save my country." The two answers fall as alike in the distance as two notes of a passing-bell, as alike as the voice of the guns. And I I am seeking; it is a fever, a longing, a madness. I struggle, I would fain tear myself from the soil and take wing to the truth.

He often felt the necessity of asserting himself, lest he should presently hear his own passing-bell and epitaph. "I guess you needn't stop steamin' bread for me! I ain't half so stuffed up as I was yisterday!" Mrs. Pendleton clapped the loaf into the pot, wrinkling her face over the cloud of steam that came puffing into it. "There!" she exclaimed. "Now perhaps I can git a minute to se' down.