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The Captain, a little facetiously, took up the menu and, drawing a tiny note-book and pencil from his pocket, proceeded to copy it in French, soliciting Madame X.'s aid en passant. A curious fact occurred to me as I sat there looking down both sides of the table, how much alike they were it seems as if they must even think the same thoughts to resemble each other so much.

I heard of your approaching happiness with the highest pleasure. And how does Rose? and how is our old whimsical friend the Baron? Well, I trust, since I see you at freedom And how will you settle precedence between the three ermines passant and the bear and bootjack? 'How, oh how, my dear Fergus, can you talk of such things at such a moment!

Shortly that swishing will come back, and in the meantime are there not holes? But as for the front trench, whither he is bound, the contest is unequal. No man can fight holes. A further point which is worthy of remark en passant may possibly escape the notice of the uninitiated.

It fastens upon a subject, and will not let it go. It resembles a battle rather than a skirmish, and makes a toil of a pleasure. Perhaps it does this from necessity, from a consciousness of wanting the more familiar graces, the power to sport and trifle, to touch lightly and adorn agreeably, every view or turn of a question en passant, as it arises.

"I am just going away," I said to him, as I met him in the doorway and shook hands. "Agar will tell you everything." The rehearsals of Le Passant commenced very soon after this, and were delightful, for the timid young poet was a most interesting and intelligent talker. The first performance took place as arranged, and Le Passant was a veritable triumph.

I found your present yesterday evening, on our arrival from the North. We are only here en passant, and see nobody in Queen Street but Barnes, who has just been about business, and he does not count, you know. I shall go and see Clara to-morrow, and make her take me to see your pretty friend, Mrs. Pendennis. How glad I should be if you happened to pay Mrs. P. a visit about two! Good-night.

Gérard had built for himself a house in the Rue des Augustins, near the ancient church of St. Germain des Près; and there, every Wednesday evening, summer and winter, he received whatever was in any way illustrious in France, or whatever the other capitals of Europe sent to Paris, en passant. "Four small rooms," says Mme. Ancelot, "and a very small antechamber, composed the whole apartment.

On each side of the main arches that is to say, in their spandrels is a series of shields with coats of arms, said to be those of benefactors of the minster. "Murray's Hand-book" gives the arms on the shields as follow, beginning at the north-east end of the nave: Semé of fleur-de-lis Old France. 2. Six lions rampant Ulphus. 3. On a chevron, three lions passant guardant Cobham. 4.

Lewin protested was only good enough to make his lady a bed-gown; or of the pale grey atlas which her father considered suitable since, indeed, she would have nothing but a white satin, powdered with silver fleurs de luces, which she remarked, en passant, would have become the Grande Mademoiselle, had she but obtained her cousin's permission to cast herself away on Lauzun.

There was nothing more to be said, certainly; still I had strange misgivings even then, which I felt to be both unjust and ungenerous, yet could not wholly banish, and again I examined the codicil. Claude Bainrothe smiled; it was the first time, let me state en passant, that we had found ourselves alone together since his return.