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The first confused impression was of a bewildering number of slim, pretty girls, nonchalant young fellows in lawn-tennis suits, and indefinite opportunities in the halls and parlors and wide piazzas for promenade and flirtations. Some say it is an acquired taste; that people do not take to it at first.

It was a revelation to the girls, her room was. Not fine, and it didn't cost much, but you felt nicer and kinder the minute you went in it. And it made Mrs. Reagan's grand parlors seem like shining brass and tinkling cymbals. I wonder why? I am going to write a history of my life. The things that happen in this place are the same things, just like our breakfasts, dinners, and suppers.

For a moment or two the eyes of both were fixed, and neither had the power to move them. Then, each with a slight confusion of manner, turned from the other. Hendrickson retired into the nearly deserted parlors, while Miss Loring, attended by Dexter, entered the carriage, and was driven away. IT was past the hour of two, when Jessie Loring stepped from the carriage and entered her home.

Now by combining together the saving on the cost of all these houses and cooks, kitchens, coal and wood, dispensing with all unnecessary servants and labor, a house of magnificent proportions adapted to the wants of the combined families could be built, with elegant parlors for lectures, assemblies and music; dining- rooms, kitchens and laundries which would not cost as much as the separate households full of inconvenience and discomfort.

In the cold green light down there she looks like a tombstone and she is packed with dead people inside. She is there because where she should have had lifeboats she had French cafés instead, and sun parlors for the ladies. Some of these ladies went down with the ship, and we heard a lot about their screams.

From one of the parlors a cry of recognition in a girlish voice floated out. Then appeared the Gridley High School girls, with Susie Sharp in the lead. "I thought you told us you didn't have any other than your hike clothing with you!" Susie cried accusingly to Tom Reade. "We didn't. We told you the truth," Reade rejoined. "Then these "

Deshla, of Columbus, who said: "I knew him when we called him 'Rud, when he was called 'Mr. Hayes, then 'Colonel Hayes, and 'General Hayes, then 'Governor Hayes, and now that he is President we are equally good friends." The guests promenaded through the parlors, and engaged in conversation, the Marine Band playing at intervals.

As Ford Foster remarked, "they were all willing to go slow for a week," after being carried home at such a rate by Dab's ponies. There was a great deal to be said, too, about the runaway, and Mrs. Foster longed to see Dabney, and thank him on Ford's account; but he himself had no idea that he had done any thing remarkable, and was very busy decking Miranda's parlors with the evergreens.

Speaking upon impulse, and to avoid explanation, however, he said: "Oh, yes certainly, but have not the pleasure of his acquaintance." "You should know each other," said Mrs. Slapman. "Excuse me a minute." She ran with girlish haste to the other end of the parlors, and brought back an undersized young man.

You remark the absence of all outward polish and ornament, which get names for refinement in established society. There are no capacious parlors, or splendid lamps to attract you; no sofas but moss-cushioned logs in the woods; no ottomans unless a green bank of wood-grass will serve you, and neither harp nor piano but the distaff and wheel.