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Updated: August 29, 2024

It was not until the use of chaises and wagons became universal, and the new means of conveyance crowded out the old-fashioned saddle and pillion, and the trotting horse superseded the once fashionable but quickly despised pacer, that the great stretches of horse-sheds were built which now surround and disfigure all our country churches.

He unhitched the lead team and in place of the sorrel put a saddle horse called Pacer. Then Doyle tried again and surmounted the hill. Our saddle horses slowly worked ahead over as rocky and rough a road as I ever traveled. Most of the time we could see over the rim down into the basin.

For a moment the thought of Felicity flashed through his mind as they passed her house and the nose of his pacer was shoved an inch ahead of her opponent. "Good girl," he murmured, squaring his jaw; "good girl. Steady there, steady." The feathery snow flew up in whirls from the flying heels.

Yes, sah, to shut out a gentleman, sah, an' the first heat, sah, with his horse on a break." "What!" said Flecker excitedly "you, Col'nel? Shut out why, I thought it was the old pacer." "I swear I did, too, Colonel," said Travis apologetically. "I heard something rattling and galloping along I thought it was the old pacer and I drove like the devil to shut him out!"

Young Carrington, who followed, bad hurt his steed by pushing at the very start, and spurred and urged him now to cut across a gulch at which the Pacer shied. Just one misstep and down they went. The boy escaped, but the pony lies there yet, and the wild Black Horse kept on. This was close to old Gallego's ranch where Jo himself had cut across refreshed to push the chase.

Cleve and Pacer are always nosing each other. A horse has a long memory. Father has had horses recognize him, that he has been parted from for twenty years. Speaking of their memories reminds me of another good story about Pacer that I never heard till yesterday, and that I would not talk about to any one but you and mother.

"Just look at these lips, Joe," said Mr. Wood; "delicate and fine like our own, and yet there are brutes that will jerk them as if they were made of iron. I wish the Lord would give horses voices just for one week. I tell you they'd scare some of us. Now, Pacer, that's over. I'm not going to dose you much, for I don't believe in it.

In the course of his remarks, father mentioned the fact that on Monday, the evening that the robbery was committed, Jacobs had borrowed Pacer to go to the Junction, but had come in with the horse steaming, and looking as if he had been driven a much longer distance than that. Father said that when he got done, Jacobs had sunk down all in a heap on the stable floor, with his hands over his face.

In the year 1711 Rip Van Dam, a prominent citizen of New York, and at a later date Governor of the State, wrote to Jonathan Dickinson, an early mayor of Philadelphia, a very amusing account of his ownership of a Narragansett Pacer. The horse was shipped from Rhode Island in a sloop, from which he managed to jump overboard, swim ashore, and return home.

His Horse too, which was a Pacer, was adorned after the same airy Manner, and seemed to share in the Vanity of the Rider.

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