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Bunty, Ralph afterward learned, had run away at a foreign port with a small sum of money not his own. "Cap'n's changed his mind then, sir," returned Tom, "He said as 'e wanted p'tickler care taken of this kid, and he was to wait in the cabin till 'e gets his sea legs on so to speak." "What' your name?" To Ralph, then turning to the men: "Easy there. Lay her even, can't you."

"Providence'll hev a season's job a-satisfyin' you, old Redbank," replied Cairo Jake; "but it's all-fired queer, for all that. Ef a feller could only learn how he done it, 'twouldn't seem so funny; but he don't seem to have no way in p'tickler about him that a feller ken find out." "Fact," said Redbank, with a solemn groan.

I'm goin' to tell all that to Downy, but it's somethin' jist as p'tickler about a reef we found. 'A reef? Nonsense, Dick. How could you find a reef? 'By diggin' fer it, I s'pose. What'd you think if I said we fellers' ye got a mine a really mine me an' Jacker Mack, an' Ted McKnight, an' Billy Peterson, an' Phil Doon? What'd you say, eh?

The two men whose conversation we have recorded studied the ears of their own horses for several minutes, after which the first speaker asked: "How did you do it?" "Well," replied the other man, "ther' wasn't anything p'tickler 'bout it. Me an' him wuzn't acquainted, so he didn't suspect me.

Dick found Harry moodily smoking in the garden, and addressed him through the fence. 'What d'ye think? he said, with the air of one propounding a conundrum. Harry was not in a guessing mood; he gave it up at once and Dick took another course. 'I got somethin' p'tickler to tell you, he said. 'Have you, Ginger? Harry was quite alert now. 'About this gold-stealin'? 'No o, not quite about that.

You see we're all in it. We're the Mount of Gold Quartz-minin' Company me an' Jacker an' them but it's on'y a make-believe company, an' I'd like Mr. McKnight, an' Mr. Peterson, an' Mr. Doon to come, an' the detective cove too, cause there's somethin' else there somethin' else p'tickler too. 'Very well, we can go an' see McKnight an' Peterson, but they'll laugh at us.

But when, at length, it was all over, and they were gathered panting round the fire of blazing logs in the hall, the Monster Rabbit the only one with any breath at his command looked up and spoke. "Where's Jimbo?" he asked. "Upstairs." "Why didn't he come and play too?" "He didn't want to." "Why? What's he doing?" Several answers were forthcoming. "Nothing in p'tickler."

"Makes you feel as the sun don't jest rise and set on your own p'tickler patch o' ploughin'. Makes you feel you're kind o' like a grain o' wheat at seedin' time. I allow a man don't amount to a heap noways." Rosebud turned on him with a bright smile in her wonderful eyes. "That depends, Seth. I should say a man is as he chooses to make himself.