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"Mamma will not notice it, and every one else will think she has given it to me herself." "And now," said Hugh, "promise me once more, Beatrice, you will be true to me you will wait for me that when I return you will let me claim you as my own?" "I do promise," she said, looking at the sun shining on the opals. Beatrice never forgot the hour that followed.

Missis Rucker is a most admirable character; but I'm sooperstitious about crowdin' her too clost. Like Boggs says about opals, thar's plenty of bad luck lurkin' about Missis Rucker's environs if you only goes about its deevelopment the right way. "'The sityooation is too many for me, says Boggs, goin' up to the bar for a drink, 'I gives it up.

It was very late, but he drew a long chair close and poked the hard-coal fire till it glowed to him like a bed of jewels, all alive and stirred to their hot hearts; opals and topazes and rubies and cairngorms and the souls of blue sapphires and purple amethysts playing ghostly over the rest.

He wore light clothes of perfect cut; patent shoes with white linen gaiters; a black tie fastened with a pin of opals. He carried himself with an air which was unmistakable and convincing. The girl by his side was beautiful. She was simply dressed in a tailor-made gown of white serge. Her black hat was a miracle of smartness.

The curtain had acted as a weather vane, the wind had hauled to the east. The sky, too, had dulled. Little lumpy clouds showed near the horizon line, and, sailing above these, hung a dirt spot of vapor, while aloft glowed some prismatic sundogs, shimmering like opals. Etched against the distance, with a tether line fastened to the spar buoy, lay the Susie Ann.

The sunlight, as it broke here and there between the thick foliage, was playing upon the little cascades in such magical fashion turning the water into a torrent that seemed as though molten rubies and sapphires and opals were ablaze in one dancing faery stream, that even the dark tragedy of human life seemed enveloped for a moment in an atmosphere of poetry and beauty.

The collar, which completely covered her rounded neck, was made of rows of linked opals, and a necklace of pearls rested on her beautiful breast, spreading out in heart shape, with a single strand encircling the neck. Her face was tragic in its seriousness.

The Queen gave a necklace of diamonds, the Prince Consort a set of diamonds and emeralds, the Prince of Wales a set of diamonds and opals, the King and Queen of Prussia a diamond tiara, the Prince of Prussia a diamond and turquoise necklace, King Leopold a Brussels lace dress, valued at a thousand pounds.

It held a ring, as Janetta could easily see a hoop of gold in which were three opals not a very large or costly-looking trinket, but one which seemed to have memories or associations connected with it to judge, at least, by the look on Wyvis Brand's dark face. The women involuntarily held their breath as they glanced at him.

No sooner had he surveyed them with undisguised delight than he requested me to give him another string of opals for his wife, or she would be in a bad humor; accordingly a present for the lady was added to the already large pile of beads that lay heaped upon the carpet before him. Tell the 'Mattat' that unless he gives necklaces for each of my other wives they will fight!"