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"Then by Markie and Lukie will I swear," said Bosambo, fervently; "those fine fellows of whom Your Excellency knows. I have sat long in the country of the Ochori, and I have ruled wisely according to my abilities. And over me at all times was Sandi, who was a father to his people and so beautiful of mind and countenance that when he came to us even the dead folk would rise up to speak to him.

The people of the Ochori might be shocked at the exorbitant demands which their lord put upon them, but they were too wise to deny him his wishes. There had been a time in the history of the Ochori when demands were far heavier, and made with great insolence by a people who bore the reputation of being immensely fearful.

One had met him face to face and had sunk to the ground before eyes "that were very hot and red and thrusting out little lightnings." He had been seen in many places in the Ochori, in the N'gombi city, in the villages of the Akasava, but mainly his hunting ground was the narrow strip of territory which is called Lombobo.

There was a time, years and years ago, when the Ochori people set a great stake on the edge of the forest by the Mountain. This they smeared with a paint made by the admixture of camwood and copal gum. It was one of the few intelligent acts which may be credited to the Ochori in those dull days, for the stake stood for danger.

Blowter addressed the startled man. "Go you to the city of Ochori," he said, "and say 'Mimbimi, the high chief who is lord of the forest of Bim-bi, sends word that he has taken the fat white lord to his keeping, and he shall hold him for his pleasure." It would appear from all the correspondence which was subsequently published that Sanders had particularly warned Mr.

At any rate, after the haggle of tax collection was finished, Bones set about his task. "Bosambo," said he, "men say you are very wise. Now tell me something about the women of the Ochori." Bosambo looked at Bones a little startled. "Lord," said he, "who knows about women? For is it not written in the blessed Sura of the Djin that women and death are beyond understanding?"

It had come to be a by-word of the people when they discussed their lord with greater freedom than he could have wished, the tyranny of Bosambo was better than the tyranny of Akasava. Amongst the Ochori chiefs, greater and lesser, only one was conspicuous by his failure to carry proper offerings to his lord.

The red field, as he called it, was in reality a low-lying meadow, which rose steeply to the bank of the river on the one side and more steeply since it first sloped downward in that direction to the Ochori forest, two miles away. He made this discovery with a little feeling of alarm.

"As you say," said he approvingly, "it is proper that I should journey to my lord and to the strange people beyond the coast to the land where even slaves wear trousers carrying with me most wonderful presents that the name of the Ochori shall be as thunder upon the waters and even great kings shall speak in pride of you," he paused again. Now it was a dead silence which greeted his peroration.

Late that night Bones met Bosambo before his hut in a long and earnest palaver, and an hour before dawn he went out with Bosambo and his huntsmen, and was pulled to a certain creek in the Ochori land which is notorious for the size and strength of its crocodiles.