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Neither akin to the N'gombi, the Isisi, the Akasava nor the Ochori, they took on the worst attributes of each race. Seldom in open warfare did they challenge the Administration, but there was a long tale of slain and mutilated enemies who floated face downwards in the stream; of disappearance of faithful servants of Government, and of acts of cannibalism which went unidentified and unpunished.

They moved, a straggling body of men and women, with their stiff walk and their doleful song, a wild people with strange, pinched faces and long black hair, along the river's edge. A week's journeyings brought them to the Ochori country and to Bosambo, who was holding a most important palaver.

All these matters might be told in great detail with no particular credit to the subject of the monograph. In course of time he came to the Ochori land and was welcomed by Notiki, who had taken upon himself, on the strength of his rout, the position of chieftainship. This he did with one eye on the river, ready to bolt the moment Bosambo's canoe came sweeping round the bend.

In a moment of admirable moderation, significant of the change which Mr. Commissioner Sanders had wrought in these warlike peoples, they accepted Hamilton's suggestion sent by special envoy and held a "small palaver," agreeing that the question of the disputed fishing ground should be settled by a third person. And they chose Bosambo, paramount and magnificent chief of the Ochori, as arbitrator.

Many times had the unruly people and the lawless bands which occupied the forest beyond the Ochori threatened to cross into British territory. But the dangers of the unknown, the awful stories of a certain white lord who was swift to avenge and monstrously inquisitive had held them.

The cause was, as it had often been with Sanders, that French-German-Belgian territory which adjoins the Ochori country.

A strong force of rebellious natives was reported to be within a day's march of the Ochori boundary. This much Hamilton knew. But he had known of such occurrences before; not once, but a score of times had alarming news come from the French border. He had indeed made many futile trips into the heart of the Ochori country.

Rely on your discretion, but move swiftly if you receive orders." "Leave this to me," said Bones when Hamilton read the message out; "did I ever tell you, sir, that I was intended for the diplomatic service " The truth about the Ochori border has never been thoroughly exposed.