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But I won't tell you my plan either. I'll say no more than this: what the judge will hear from my lips to-morrow will be the simple truth, the truth as Simpkins or any other unprejudiced observer would tell it. But the truth in this particular case is of such a land that I should be greatly surprised if he doesn't turn straight round and go home again." "Are you going to tell him that Mrs.

No demand should be laid upon the mate that requires a drastic change of personality. Nobody can suddenly change his personality at will, and the effort to do so to please the partner is liable to result in a topheavy hypocrisy a superstructure calculated to impress the observer, but built on a shaky foundation of chaos.

"But when Muata is free, what is to become of him suppose, that is, he can get away unobserved?" "I have it," said Compton. "The Zanzibar spy suggested it. Let Muata wait for us up the river, and we will pick him up." Mr. Hume stroked his beard for some moments in silence. "We'll, try that plan," he said finally; "but don't show any excitement. The native, remember, is a very keen observer.

I, too, wish to talk plainly with your permission. Your responsibility is evident even to the casual observer to say nothing of one reared as I've been. Every man in this community knows that when you point your finger your apostles go, and when you crook your finger your apostles return and Heber J. Grant has only done what you permitted him to do with your full knowledge."

No one, except a close observer, can believe the earnestness and enthusiasm imparted into the game by the formation of young clubs, but there is one danger which should be avoided. There is such a thing as overdoing; and, depend upon it, if this is continued, the game will suffer. To those who love and appreciate everything in season, the advice I am about to impart will be doubly significant.

He had merely been a surprised observer of certain phenomena that had aroused him to thought. He did not feel that labor was right and that his father was wrong. It might be his father was very right.... But labor was such a huge mass, and when a huge mass seethes it is impressive. Possibly this mass was wrong; possibly its seething must be stilled for the better interests of mankind.

The sea and the sky are the two exits by which dwellers in the slums of Deptford and in North Shields can escape from the inferno of life. He was a close observer of nature and of men.

"A passion of this kind is inscrutable for any observer, even for a man who prides himself, as I do, on a certain expertness. It is everywhere unfathomable; the dark depths in it are darker than in any other mystery; the colors confused even in the highest lights. "Cursy was an old playwright, jaded by the life of the theatrical world.

One does not get very far in the work of bird study without discovering that certain movements are characteristic of various families; and when the observer is able to recognize this difference in manner a long step has been taken in acquiring the power of identifying species.

Captain Redwood was not what is usually called a religious man, meaning thereby a strict adherent to the Church, and a regular observer of its ordinances. For all this he was a firm believer in the existence of a providential and protecting power. His exclamations were many, and not very coherent; but their burden was ever a prayer to God for the preservation of his daughter. "Helen, my child!