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Rackliff accepted the money and pocketed it "Don't suppose you want a receipt?" he asked, laughing. "Nun-no," faltered Phil, suddenly realizing that Herbert could deny the whole transaction if he saw fit to do so, and that there would be no way of proving it had ever taken place.

When Joanna left, he brought round her trap, as the saucy-eyed young groom was having a day off in Rye. "How've your turnips done?" he asked. "Not so good as last year, but the wurzels are fine." "Mine might be doing better" he stood fumbling with a trace-buckle. "Has that come loose?" asked Joanna. "Nun-no. I hope your little lady liked her oats." "She looks in good heart watch her tugging.

"You don't guess this girl is her, do you?" "Nun-no," declared Rack, hastily. "I don't. She's somebody else for all I care." "That's the way to talk," Racey said, nodding approvingly. "You keep right on holding to those sentiments and I wouldn't be surprised if you lived quite a long while." Marie showed her teeth in a laugh.

"Not ha'sh to a-ask for it, but not jest the ker-kind thing to bring ser-suit before askin'. Mark got a word and a ber-blow, but the blow came f-first. We didn't treat yer-you so when you was a widder." "So you go back to old times, and bring up my poverty and your charity, do you?" said the widow, bitterly. "By nun-no means," replied the blacksmith.

Bates's daughter and assistant, the two, plus a whiskered Bates, gardener and groom, forming the domestic establishment presided over by Grant. "Nun-no, sir," stuttered the housekeeper. "It's stupid of me. But I'm not so young as I was, an' me heart jumps at little things." Grant saw that she was recovering, though slowly.

In spite of the fact that circumstances and mutual sympathies had led him into taking up with the city boy, he did not feel that a fellow of Herbert's stamp was wholly to be trusted. "Nun-no," mocked Rackliff with an intonation of resentment. "I swear that was weak! I believe you are shaky. If so you'd better take your money back quick." "No, no," objected Springer. "It's all right.

From here we'll go get yore hoss and see you safely on yore way." "What'll you gimme to tell you?" inquired the desperate Bull. "Nothin' not a thin dime, feller. C'mon, let's go." "Nun-no, not yet. I say, suppose you lemme talk to Jack Harpe first myself. Just you lemme get my share out of him, and I'll tell you all you wanna know." "When you going to him?" Racey demanded, suspiciously.