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"Not ha'sh to a-ask for it, but not jest the ker-kind thing to bring ser-suit before askin'. Mark got a word and a ber-blow, but the blow came f-first. We didn't treat yer-you so when you was a widder." "So you go back to old times, and bring up my poverty and your charity, do you?" said the widow, bitterly. "By nun-no means," replied the blacksmith.

"I know what that means," he said, choking desperately; "you don't think there is any hope. You know there is not!" "I have tried to talk to you, Tom, but you wouldn't listen " "Yes, I know, I know! It's my own fault I'll I'll turn up jolly in a little while it's only the f-first that's hard!"

He arrests people for almost anything, for playing banjos." "W-Well, we d-didn't p-p-play any b-b-b-banjos then, b-by g-g- gum! I thought it w-was all up with us, and that we'd b-be d-d-d- dangling on the g-g-g-gallows b-b-before l-l-long! You s-see, they g-g-gained on us, at f-first. They r-rowed l-l-like fuf-fuf- fiends!

B-But we b-began to d-draw ahead, and then the d-d-d-d- duffer with the pup-pitchfork he was in the b-bow of the f-first b-boat b-began to yell and b-b-bellow. He s-said that if we d-didn't s-stop he'd f-fill us f-full of b-b-b-b-b-bullets! S-Someone p-passed him up a g-g-gun, and when we saw that, I t-tell you, we d-dropped d-down in the b-bottom of the b-boat.

"We-we'll see about th-that. I c-c-can't and I w-w-won't bind myself without He who c-c-can't, can't; don't you see?" "That's very true." "I'm all p-p-put ab-b-bout by what you've t-t-told me. This is the f-first t-t-time in my life I have b-been obliged to th-th-think " "Yes, you are not a lawyer."

He sat up on his hind legs, pricked up his ears, and I knocked him over with a stone and ate him. Then I came to the brook where we had our f-first fight, but it was so full from the rain that I had to wait a day before I could cross it. It ran like a m-mill-race. My feet were all cut up, and I tore off the arms of my shirt and bound the cloth round my feet.