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"I beg your pardon," stammered Renshaw hastily. "I didn't mean to disturb you I" Without looking at him Rosey turned to her father. "I am ready," she said coldly, and closed the door again. A glance of artful intelligence came into Nott's eyes, which had remained blankly staring at Renshaw's apparently causeless hilarity. Turning to him he winked solemnly.

"Regardez Grandpere Colomes!" Old Colomes on the big pier with Madame Alvarez and his granddaughter was intently straining his weather-beaten face in the direction of Nott's Point, his back resolutely turned upon the scudding white wings. A sudden chuckle of grim satisfaction caused La Petite's head to toss petulantly.

The utterly bewildered expression which transfigured De Ferrières' face at this announcement was unobserved by Nott's averted eyes, nor did he perceive that his listener the next moment straightened his erect figure and adjusted his cravat.

"Not more than I do," said Nott, glancing complacently at his pea-jacket. "He had rings on his yeers like a wench." Mr. Renshaw started. But seeing Nott's eyes fixed on him, he said lightly, "But what have these strange faces and this strange man probably only a Lascar sailor out of a job to do with Ferrières?" "Friends o' his feller furrin citizens spies on Rosey, don't you see?

This deck was divided fore and aft by a partitioned passage, the lofts or apartments being lighted from the ports, and one or two by a door cut through the ship's side communicating with an alley on either side. This was the case with the loft occupied by Mr. Nott's strange lodger, which, besides a door in the passage, had this independent communication with the alley.

I propose presently to print a few samples of her workmanship, and a list of her principal receipts in that section of the book with which I am just now concerned. First of all, here is the Preface, which begins, as we see, by a little piece of plagiarism from Nott's exordium:

"And she didn't let on anythin' about him?" he continued, feebly. "She said she'd like to know where" He stopped, with the reflection that he was betraying her confidences. A dim foreboding of some new form of deceit, to which even the man before him was a consenting party, almost paralyzed Nott's faculties.

With great content spent all the morning looking over the Navy accounts of several years, and the several patents of the Treasurers. W. Hewer carried me to Nott's, the famous bookbinder that bound for my Lord Chancellor's library: and here I did take occasion for curiosity to bespeak a book to be bound, only that I might have one of his binding. 13th.

Nott's 'political, who, the sole survivor of the men who were prominent during this unhappy period, still lives among us esteemed and revered, was certainly the ablest officer of the unpopular department to which he belonged; and how cool was Henry Rawlinson's temper is evinced in his ability to live in amity with the rugged and outspoken chief who addressed him in such a philippic as the following words all the more trenchant because he to whom they were addressed must have realised how intrinsically true they were:

Pollock, for his part, was permitted, if he thought proper, to advance on Cabul in order to facilitate Nott's withdrawal, if the latter should elect to 'retreat' by the circuitous route which has just been described.