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All that he could call to mind was an owd nominy that he'd heerd t' lads an' lasses say when they were coomin' home fra schooil. He reckoned 'twere more like a bit o' fun nor a prayer, but all t' same, when he couldn't bethink him o' t' words his mother had larnt him, he started sayin' t' nominy, an' sang out, as loud as he could: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Bless the bed that I lig on.

We had an elegant dinner; beef and greens, roast pig, fine boiled rockfish. July. We dined today on the fish called the sheepshead, with crabs. Twice every week we have fine fish. On the edges of these shoals in Nominy River or in holes between the rocks is plenty of fish. Well, Ben, you and Mr. Fithian are invited by Mr. Turberville, to a fish feast tomorrow, said Mr.

He bade my Lord not to trouble himself, the lady was under his tutelle! which I comprehended as little, as little " "As you do your Nominy Dominy!" replied Pothier. "I don't care what the pigeons have to say to it that is what the Intendant said!" replied Max, hotly, "and THAT, for your law grimoire, Master Pothier!"

That pore boy was beaten in a way that his dear ma and aunts didn't know him; his fine flanning dressing-gownd was torn all to ribbings, and he got no pease in the school ever after, but was abliged to be taken to some other saminary, where, I make no doubt, he was paid off igsactly in the same way. Do you take the halligory, my dear Barnet? Mutayto nominy you know what I mean.

One of the most accurate and vivid reporters of Colonial Virginia plantation life was Philip Vickers Fithian, tutor to the family of Councillor Robert Carter of Nominy Hall on the lower Potomac river. In his Journals are appetizing references to seafood: 1774, March: With Mr. Randolph, I went a-fishing, but we had only the luck to catch one apiece. April.

Carter when we entered the Hall to dinner. As we were rowing up Nominy we saw fishermen in great numbers in canoes and almost constantly taking in fish, bass and perch. This is a fine sheepshead, Mr. Or would you prefer a bass or a perch? Or perhaps you will rather help yourself to some picked crab. It is all extremely fine, sir, I'll help myself. August.

Shoo were a patteren wife, and sooin fowks began to say to one another: 'I've bin reight thrang to-day; I've bin well-nigh as thrang as Throp's wife. So 'thrang as Throp's wife' gat to be a regular nominy, an' other fowks took to followin' her example; it were fair smittlin'! They bowt theirsens spinnin'-wheels, an' gat agate o' spinnin', while there were all nations o' stockins turned out i' Cohen-eead an' Cornshaw, enough for a whole army o' sodgers.