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Noodles would call out every little while, when he fell behind, for he seemed to have a horror lest he might slip into that horrible bed of mud, and be sucked down before his chums could reach him. "It iss nodt fair to leave me so far behindt der rest. How wouldt you feel if you rescued der argonaut, and lose your chump; dell me dot?

"No; I gidt oap bretty soon." "And and can you dress yourself?" "I vhistle, 'and one of those lidtle fellowss comess. We haf to dake gare of one another in a blace like this. Idt iss nodt like the worldt," said Lindau, gloomily. March thought he ought to cheer him up. "Oh, it isn't such a bad world, Lindau! After all, the average of millionaires is small in it."

Once the gobbler in the other room there he used to chase 'em; he couldn't onderstand their lidtle tricks. Now dot goppler's teadt, and he ton't chase 'em any more. He was a Bohemian. Gindt of grazy, I cuess." "Well, it's a sociable existence," March suggested. "But perhaps if you let them have the things without stealing " "Oh no, no! Most nodt mage them too gonceitedt.

Sadie hung her head. "Dot is idt!" cried the good German woman. "You make your poor mamma tell things to fool you, else you vould sthay avay an' blay. She haf to bribe you to make you help her like you should. Shame! Undt she nodt go to de school like you, undt learn better." "I s'pose that's so," admitted Sadie, more thoughtfully.

Their voices died out, as they hurried off to pack their belongings, after which they made off for the nearest town, some ten miles away to the southeast. "Veil," began the explosive Teuton, as their voices died away, "dere iss dree vine specimens nodt by no means." "You can hardly blame them for looking out for their own interests," rejoined Mr. Merrill.

"Nodt like here," said Lindau. "Andt you must zee it all the dtime zee it, hear it, smell it, dtaste it or you forget it. That is what I gome here for. I was begoming a ploated aristograt.

I thought I was nodt like these beople down here, when I gome down once to look aroundt; I thought I must be somethings else, and zo I zaid I better take myself in time, and I gome here among my brothers the becears and the thiefs!" A noise made itself heard in the next room, as if the door were furtively opened, and a faint sound of tiptoeing and of hands clawing on a table. "Thiefs!"

Once the gobbler in the other room there he used to chase 'em; he couldn't onderstand their lidtle tricks. Now dot goppler's teadt, and he ton't chase 'em any more. He was a Bohemian. Gindt of grazy, I cuess." "Well, it's a sociable existence," March suggested. "But perhaps if you let them have the things without stealing " "Oh no, no! Most nodt mage them too gonceitedt.

"Say nodt so say nodt so," she rumbled. "Dis iss pad yedt for de poor folk. Yah! idt vill make de coal go oop in brice." "Yes," said Maria, softly. "My papa says he will have to charge twelve cents a pail for coal to-morrow, instead of ten. He has to pay more." "I never thought of that side of it," confessed Agnes, slowly. "I suppose a snow storm like this will make it hard for poor people."

"Nodt like here," said Lindau. "Andt you must zee it all the dtime zee it, hear it, smell it, dtaste it or you forget it. That is what I gome here for. I was begoming a ploated aristograt.