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It seems to me that everything is going up, here, in America, on the Continent, and in India; yet I do not see how to impute it to the increased supply of gold. I think that the working classes are everywhere demanding and getting a larger share of the total which is produced.... "Believe me your true friend, "F. W. Newman."

The squareheads of our watch were already there, sitting gloomily about, or clumsily attempting to make the injured youth more comfortable. He looked bad, no mistake. Newman shook his head, gravely, as we turned away. "It is a task for her," he said to me. "She has the healing gift. The boy is badly hurt." A growled curse took my answer from me.

Look here, and he pulled out a volume of St. Basil. Langham looked, and saw on the title-page a note in faded characters: 'Given to me by Newman at Oxford, in 1845. 'Ah, of course, he was one of them in '45; he must have left them very soon after, said Langham reflectively. Robert nodded. 'But look at them!

We got a rich lay, I tell you!" "Damn your thieving schemes," said Newman. "Aw, now, bring the cub in, if you like," persisted Boston. "He's a game 'un." Blackie, the hot-headed, spoke up, resentfully. He lifted his battered face on his elbow, and lisped through the gap Lynch's fist had made in his teeth.

Remarkable instances, of course, will occur to every one of the occasional exhibition of this combination, but not in so sustained and varied and unfailing a way. Between Dr. Newman and the great French school there is this difference that they are orators, and he is as far as anything can be in a great preacher from an orator.

For the lady was stirring, getting to her feet, or trying to. Newman gathered her slight form into his great arms. I heard him exclaim, "Where, Mary? Did it " And she answered, dazedly, "I am all right not hit." He took a step towards me, towards the companion. The swelling murmur from the deck arrested him. He walked to the break of the poop, with the woman in his arms.

Newman paced up and down this quiet promenade for the greater part of the next day and let his eyes wander over the historic prospect; but he would have been sadly at a loss to tell you afterwards whether the latter was made up of coal-fields or of vineyards. He was wholly given up to his grievance, or which reflection by no means diminished the weight.

It is thus stated by Mr. Newman: "That the increase and expansion of the Christian Creed and Ritual, and the variations which have attended the process in the case of individual writers and churches, are the necessary attendants on any philosophy or polity which takes possession of the intellect and heart, and has had any wide or extended dominion; that, from the nature of the human mind, time is necessary for the full comprehension and perfection of great ideas; and that the highest and most wonderful truths, though communicated to the world once for all by inspired teachers, could not be comprehended all at once by the recipients, but, as received and transmitted by minds not inspired, and through media which were human, have required only the longer time and deeper thought for their full elucidation.

Mr. Ward was continually forcing on Mr. Newman so-called irresistible inferences; "If you say so and so, surely you must also say something more?" Avowedly ignorant of facts and depending for them on others, he was only concerned with logical consistency. And accordingly Mr.

Hereupon Newman, surprised, said that he had never spoken of him but kindly. "It is too kindly," said Madame de Cintre. "It is a kindness that costs nothing; it is the kindness you show to a child. It is as if you didn't respect him." "Respect him? Why I think I do." "You think? If you are not sure, it is no respect." "Do you respect him?" said Newman. "If you do, I do."