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Ethel, pursuing the plan which she had laid down for herself from the first, took entire charge of his children and house: Lady Anne returned to her own family: never indeed having been of much use in her son's dismal household. My wife talked to me of course about her pursuits and amusements at Newcome, in the ancestral hall which we have mentioned.

I hardly made a bow to the ladies, so eager was I to communicate with Colonel Newcome. "I have just been to your quarters at Grey Friars, sir," said I. "That is " "You have been to the Hospital, sir! You need not be ashamed to mention it, as Colonel Newcome is not ashamed to go there," cried out the Campaigner.

Newcome, who did me the honour to invite me to her table.

I believe you would find nothing to dislike in it, or in our rule, which is a most simple one. Robert smiled, and laid his hand on the other's arm. 'No, Newcome, no; I am in no mood for H . The High Churchman looked at him with a quick and painful anxiety visible in the stern eyes. 'Will you tell me what that means?

And his own tastes being thus agricultural, the worthy gentleman thought that everybody else must delight in the same recreation. "In the winter, I hope, we shall see you at Newcome," says the elder brother, blandly smiling. "I can't give you any tiger-shooting, but I'll promise you that you shall find plenty of pheasants in our jungle," and he laughed very gently at this mild sally.

Newcome thought fit to send his son to a tutor for military instruction, and removed him from the London school, where in truth he had made but very little progress in the humaner letters. The lad was placed with a professor who prepared young men for the army, and received rather a better professional education than fell to the lot of most young soldiers of his day.

And if I can be the means the humble means to bring men of genius together mind to associate with mind men of all nations to mingle in friendly unison I shall not have lived altogether in vain. They call us women of the world frivolous, Colonel Newcome.

Barnes Newcome had just discovered an article in the Newcome Independent commenting warmly upon a visit which Colonel Newcome and Clive had recently paid to Newcome, the object of that visit having been the Colonel's desire to gladden the eyes of his old nurse Sarah with a sight of him.

Of Sir Walter Scott the second and last, not much personal idea is obtainable. He had some difficulties in his first regiment, which seems to have been a wild one, and not in the best form; he married an heiress of the unpoetical name of Jobson, to whom and of whom his father writes with a pretty old-fashioned affection and courtesy, which perhaps gave Thackeray some traits for Colonel Newcome.

Binnie vowed that his friend's days had no business to decline as yet; that a sober man of fifty ought to be at his best; and that Newcome had grown older in three years in Europe, than in a quarter of a century in the East all which statements were true, though the Colonel persisted in denying them. He was very restless. He was always finding business in distant quarters of England.