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Remorse was gnawing hard at his heart, though he was trying to believe that it was entirely another emotion. He had not slept properly for nights; his head ached, and his nerves were jumpy. "I'll not go till she sends for me," he said again obstinately. Sangster made no comment. He did not see Jimmy again for some days, though he heard of him once or twice from a mutual acquaintance.

"No, no," hastily interposed the young girl; "I shall never do that. I could not bear to see an animal hurt or killed." "You will have to accustom yourself to seeing such sights, my dear little daughter. Riding and hunting are necessary accomplishments; besides, they strengthen the nerves." "Have not the peasant women got strong nerves, little mama?"

Nevertheless they kept up the siege throughout all the following day and night, firing incessantly from ambush, and at times giving forth whoops full of taunt and menace. Dick was able to sleep a little during the day, and gradually his nerves became more steady. Albert also took a part in the defense, and, like Dick, he won many friends. The day was a long and heavy one.

He kept his face, glowing from the kitchen fire, turned toward Franck with an expression of courteous waiting and politely besought him in Italian to keep on singing. Finally, since Franck, instead of answering, arose, gave him a comically commanding look, and waved his fork like a baton, he began, striking up an accompaniment with a catching rhythm, which titillated his auditors' nerves.

She threw up her pretty head, while a stray sunbeam through the trees danced over it in golden ripples, and her eyes laughed as well as her rosy, dimpled mouth. There was a sudden start through Polly's nerves, but the gay, light, merry voice went on: "And he will always be a Quaker, though he went to Christ Church with madam and me.

"Pardon me, Miss Perkins," interposed Stuyvesant at this juncture, his nerves fairly twitching under the strain. "Let us get at the matters on which you wish to speak to me. Malate, Cochero!" he called to the pygmy Filipino on the box.

Many cases of nervous prostration which last for years might be cured in as many months if the truth about nerve habits were recognized and acted upon. Nerves can form bad habits and they can form good habits, but of all the bad habits formed by nerves perhaps the very worst is the habit of being ill. These bad habits of illness engender an unwillingness to let go of them. They seem so real.

Blushing deeply and involuntarily, she turned her eyes hastily away, and approaching the good doctor, made her inquiries into the present state of his nerves, in a graver tone than she had a minute before imagined it possible that she should have been enabled to command.

Perhaps she had been treating him as shell-shocked when there was nothing at all the matter with his nerves. Presently Kuroki came in with a yellow envelope, which he laid at the side of Cutty's plate. "Telegrams!" exploded Cutty. "Hang it, I don't want any telegrams!" "Open it and have it over with," suggested Kitty. "If you don't mind."

The continued strain on her nerves had broken her down, and she lay on the floor in a dead faint. Nino put a cushion from the lounge under her head, and rang the bell. The servant appeared instantly. "Bring water quickly!" he cried. "The signora has fainted." He stood looking at the senseless figure of the woman, as she lay across the rich Persian rugs that covered the floor.