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This was Neilson's fondest wish: the enfolding oblivion of wild waters would be infinitely better than the fate Ben had hinted at in his letter. Yet he dared not turn back. She might yet live, held prisoner in some far-off cave. At first all three agreed on this point: that they must not turn back until either Ben was crushed under their heels or they had made sure of his death.

In one of the rooms there was a tea-kettle hanging on a crane in the fireplace. "So begins a new household. But Miss Neilson's death has saddened me, and yesterday Mrs. Horsford came with letters from Norway, giving particulars of Ole Bull's last days, his death and burial. The account was very touching. All Bergen's flags at half-mast; telegrams from the King; funeral oration by Bjoernson.

And now he remembered a fact that she had told him on the outward journey: that Ray Brent, the stronger of Neilson's two subordinates, loved her too. "To strike at them indirectly through some one they love " such had been his greatest wish. To put them at a disadvantage and overcome his own to lead them into his own ambushes.

The trader with whom he boarded went to her and told her not to be a fool; such an opportunity would not come again, and after so long she could not still believe that Red would ever return. The girl's resistance only increased Neilson's desire, and what had been a very pure love now became an agonising passion. He was determined that nothing should stand in his way. He gave Sally no peace.

"And as to deceiving you Of course I can see that you are very angry with me for betraying Margaret's secret to Tom; but, then, Tom is a great friend, and when he said something about Margaret's being an old maid, I couldn't bear it any longer. You know how I love Margaret! and I told him all about Colonel Neilson's love for her, and that she needn't be an old maid unless she liked.

But Ray's arms were incredibly swift, and his rifle leaped in his hands. The barrel gleamed. The roar reechoed in the silence. Neilson's head bowed strangely; and for a moment he stood swaying, a ghastly blankness on his face; then pitched forward in the dew-wet grass. Beatrice's last defense had fallen, seriously wounded; and Ray's arm seized her as, screaming, she tried to flee.

He was above the camp when he descended to its banks, but he worked his way down through the thickets toward Jeffery Neilson's cabin. The river flowed quietly here, a long, still stretch that afforded safe boating. Yet the smooth waters did not in the least alleviate Ben's haunting sense of their sinister power and peril. The old gray she-wolf is not to be trusted in her peaceful moments.

The swallow-tail or union jet was also his invention, and it has since come into general use. While managing the Gas-works, one of Mr. Neilson's labours of love was the establishment and direction by him of a Workmen's Institution for mutual improvement.

"This is serious, really serious, I tell you!" "What is serious?" demanded Cyril, coming down the stairway. "Can't it wait? Pete has already sounded the gong twice for dinner." William made a despairing gesture. "Well, come," he groaned. "I'll tell you at the table.... It seems I've got a namesake," he resumed in a shaking voice, a few moments later; "Walter Neilson's child."

Come, I insist upon taking you to Miss Neilson's." "No, no, thank you! I really mustn't. I " She could say no more. A strong, yet very gentle hand had taken firm hold of her arm in such a way as half to support her. A force quite outside of herself was carrying her forward step by step and Miss Hawthorn was not used to strong, gentle hands, nor yet to a force quite outside of herself.