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But as Nathos glanced at Deirdre, he saw that her purpose was firm, and he said once again the words she had spoken, 'Not tomorrow, Angus; but on the morn that follows, if thou wilt come again, then shall we come with thee to thy high-walled castle' Then Angus, frowning, went with the chief and his men to their galley. And as they set sail he asked how many men the sons of Usna had with them.

'I come to you, said Fergus, 'with greetings from Concobar the King. Fain would he see once more in Erin the fairest and bravest heroes of his realm. Peace he would pledge with you, and great shall be your welcome, if ye will come back with me. But before the brothers could answer, Deirdre spake. 'Here in Alba is Nathos now lord over lands wider than the realm of Concobar.

Should dark days befall, sore would be our need, therefore let the sons of Usna be brought hither from their northern mountain home. At these words great was the joy of all, for there was not one but knew that it was for fear of the pitiless anger of Concobar that Nathos had fled from the Green Isle.

The King seeketh my life. Go thou, then, back to thy lonely cottage, and await that day when he shall make thee his Queen. 'Ask me not to turn from following thee, O Nathos, for thy way must be mine, this day and ever. 'Come, then, and Nathos took her by the hand. Through the shadowy forest they walked swiftly, until of a sudden he bade her rest among the bracken.

And had not the Wise Man foretold the sorrow that the daughter of Felim should bring upon the land? 'I ask none to share the sorrow that may come, said Nathos. 'To-morrow Deirdre and I set forth for the bay where our galley is harboured, and if so be that we gain the shores of Alba, before Concobar overtake us, there, if he come thither, shall he be met by a host of our own land.

Above glimmered the pale stars, around them was the screech and the moan of wakeful bird and beast. It was not till the dawn broke that they rested on the mountain-side. There they stayed till the pink stole through the grey, and the sky gleamed mother-o'-pearl. Then they rose and followed the stream that trickled to the valley below. And now Nathos was glad.

Then, at the bidding of the champion, three graves were digged, and in them, standing upright, were buried Nathos and Ailne and Ardan, and upon the shoulders of each was his head placed. And as Deirdre gazed into the grave of Nathos, she moaned a lay which told of the brave deeds of the sons of Usna.

It was not till night, when on the high ridge of a hill, that they looked backward, and there in the far valley below, where stood the castle of the sons of Usna, they beheld a column of flame. And Nathos' brow grew dark. 'The fire that ye see in the valley below devours the castle of the sons of Usna. The hand that lit the fire is none other than the hand of Concobar the King.

'Go forth, said Concobar, when he saw the gladness of the people, 'go hence to Alba and come not again until ye bring with you the three sons of Usna. Then spake one among them, 'Right gladly we go, but who can bring to thee Nathos, if it be not his will? 'He who loves me most, answered the King, 'he it is that will fail not to bring with him the exiled heroes.

'Hath it not been revealed to me in a dream, O Nathos, that this Fergus who should come with honey-sweet words hath in his mind the shedding of our blood? Even as she spake Ardan led Fergus to where the two sat on either side of the chess-board. Eagerly did the exiled sons of Usna beg for tidings of their friends in the Green Isle.