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John Browdie made no verbal answer to this remark, but putting his hand in his pocket, pulled out an old purse of solid leather, and insisted that Nicholas should borrow from him whatever he required for his present necessities. 'Dean't be afeard, mun, he said; 'tak' eneaf to carry thee whoam. Thee'lt pay me yan day, a' warrant.

"Maybe we can dig with some big clam shells, if we can find some," his sister said. By this time they had reached the little island. Just like the islands in your geography, it was "entirely surrounded by water," and it made a nice place to play, except that it was rather sunny. But Mun Bun and Margy did not mind the sun very much.

Warbottom said as Greenhow air was too keen, and they were goin' to Bradford, to Jesse's brother David, as worked i' a mill, and I mun hold up like a man and a Christian, and she'd pray for me. Well, and they went away, and the preacher that same back end o' th' year were appointed to another circuit, as they call it, and I were left alone on Greenhow Hill.

Niver, she added, with bitterness, as the words he had used recurred to her mind. 'It's in me to hate thee now, for saying what thou did; but thou're dear old Kester after all, and I can't help mysel', I mun needs forgive thee, and she went towards him. He took her little head between his horny hands and kissed it. She looked up with tears in her eyes, saying softly,

'Why, Vessons? he said in rather a sheepish tone. Vessons did not turn. He fumbled with the door-handle. Reddin got up and went across to him. 'Why, Vessons? he said again, with a hand on his shoulder. 'You and I can't part, you know. 'We mun. 'But why, man? What's up with you, Andrew? The rare Christian name softened Vessons. He deigned to explain.

Russ shouted to the dog. The hound backed out and looked around at Russ Bunker. But his red eyes did not scare the boy. "We're coming, Mun Bun!" Russ shouted. "We're coming, Margy!" The two little ones appeared at the door of the kennel. They were not crying much, but they had tight hold of each other's hands. "Russ! Rose!" cried Margy. "Take us out."

"I'll see if I can get some more from Cousin Ruth," promised Russ. Once more he made a trip up to the real bungalow, and Cousin Ruth, with laughter, filled another bag with cookies. This time Margy and Mun Bun, tired of playing with the shells and pebbles, went down on the beach to the driftwood pirate bungalow.

And it was in bringing his toy balloon home, on the end of a long string, letting it float in the air over his head that Mun Bun had had the accident at the tree when the blown-up rubber bag got caught in the branch. He wouldn't leave it, of course, and Rose ran to tell her mother. That's how it all happened. "Well, come in to lunch now!" called Mrs.

"I ne'er wanted folks's pity i' MY life afore...an' I mun begin to be looked down on now, an' me turned seventy-two last St. Thomas's, an' all th' underbearers and pall-bearers as I'n picked for my funeral are i' this parish and the next to 't....It's o' no use now...I mun be ta'en to the grave by strangers." "Don't fret so, father," said Mrs.

Sylvie, I'm much beholden t' ye for comin' so early, and helpin' t' lasses, but yo' mun come in t' house-place now, t' folks is gatherin', an' yo'r cousin's been asking after yo' a'ready. Molly gave her a nudge, which made Sylvia's face go all aflame with angry embarrassment.