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On Sunday afternoons when her guests 'were having a look at the mokes' Miss Abingdon still played through her book of sacred pieces; and it was on Sunday afternoons, too, that she always stirred the jars of potpourri upon the cabinets, so that their pungent, faint odour might exhale through the room.

D'you mean to say you're the only one to get here?" Billy grinned silently. Sounds of mirth floated over the grass, and Norah, Harry and Wally raced up. "Where are your mokes?" queried Jim. "The good knights are dust, Their mokes are rust," misquoted Wally cheerfully. "We don't know, bless you. Cleared out, harness and all. We'll have a wallaby and kangaroo hunt after this. Who's won?"

Every Runnymede boundary man was expected to find himself in horses; and Jack, on being rated, had purchased the two quietest and most shapeless mokes on the station or, indeed, off it. 'Mokes' is good in this connection.

Without the pleasures of the senses we should be dull mokes indeed; without ambition much of the zest and enterprise of life would be gone; gold, in the present order of affairs, is a very useful servant. These things are right enough but to be CHAINED to them, to be unable to think of anything else what a fate! The subject reminds one of a not uncommon spectacle.

His father's ice-cream business never had any fascination for the lad; but from the first his spirit drew him to the long-eared shaggy mokes of certain of the neighbours.

Lord comes to me a week or two before the Derby, and "Tom," he says, "I've got a notion. You and me," he says, "is goin' down to the Derby together," he says. "I've got a pair of snow-white mokes," he says, "and I've bought a coster's shallow. I'm having it painted white and picked out in gold," he says, "and it's going to be upholstered in white satin.

I assured him that I was capable of managing an ass, and would take every care of the beast entrusted to me. He smiled, apparently at my presumption, and as I saw that he would not let me have my way, I consented to the infliction of his company. At the appointed time he appeared on foot, leading two mokes and armed with a long thick stick.

People go to hear them because they are colored people, and they want to hear old-fashioned negro melodies, and yet these mokes will tackle Italian opera and high toned music that they don't know how to sing. They will sing these fancy operas, and people will not pay any attention.

I want something to go wrong in the store while Montgomery has charge himself; it'll learn him to appreciate me better. I'll have to ram it down his throat that the fellows had their bullocks out before I got here." "Wait, Moriarty what's Martin's horse like? I might see him." "Liver-colour; star and snip; white hind feet; bang tail. One of the best mokes on the station. Belongs to Martin himself.

But in a week or two, lazy as the mokes were, Jack could n't grapple either of them, stabbard or port, in the open paddock; they had learned to await, and even approach him, starn-on. So he had to pelt them into the little yard, where an ingeniously devised adjustable crush, formed by one barbed wire, kept them broadside-on till he caught the one he wanted for the day. Let Jack alone.