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Judge Scott's suggestion of a trained nurse was indignantly clamoured down by the girls, who themselves undertook the task. And White Fang won out on the one chance in ten thousand denied him by the surgeon. The latter was not to be censured for his misjudgment.

Seward, with wonderful misjudgment, had instructed Ministers abroad to explain that no attack was threatened on slavery, for he was afraid that the purchasers of cotton in Europe would feel threatened in their selfish interests; the agents of the South were astute enough to take the same line and insist like him that the North was no more hostile to slavery than the South.

"You wrong yourself, Sir, more than you wrong my wife by any lurking misjudgment of her," he said, with singularly masterful and expressive dignity. "As her husband, and the guardian of her honour, I also claim her obedience. What I desire is her law!" The King laughed a little forcedly. "Evidently you have found the miracle of the ages, Humphry!" he said; "A woman who obeys her master! Well!

John Sterling's character and writings, which had little business to be spoken of in any Church-court, have hereby been carried thither as if for an exclusive trial; and the mournfulest set of pleadings, out of which nothing but a misjudgment can be formed, prevail there ever since.

Passages in his letters are almost comical in their perversity of misjudgment. He was exasperated by Goethe's reticence, composure and self-sufficiency, qualities which seemed to him to spring out of calculating egotism.

The essential thing is that you do write the book. Will you? Please." The voice was almost tenderly imploring; his brow cleared. He was almost ashamed of his momentary distrust of her. In polite society people do not read private documents; evidently this young woman had come dangerously close to his rash misjudgment and he was properly penitent. Still he was tormented by an insistent doubt.

The job of getting into the dome was a hazardous one. About every thirty seconds the asteroid described a complete rotation, making the rim turn at a speed of half a mile a second, and that made the task of entering extremely dangerous to a man whose only protection was the metal and fabric of a space-suit. Misjudgment would either rip the suit or dash him to instant death.

I hope we may find it in large enough quantities to pay for getting it out." Adrian was surprised and not wholly pleased by what seemed a mercenary taint upon her fine character, but was ashamed of his momentary misjudgment when she added: "Because, you see, we've suffered so much for money's sake that we want to use it ourselves to make other people happy.

And it is here that the misjudgment comes in of many generous hearts who have spoken sometimes lately so strongly in my praise. For the efforts to serve have not been painful acts of self-denial, but the yielding to an overmastering desire.

Though the remark of Machiavel is justified by large experience that from the short-sightedness of men and their obedience to present impulse, the most notorious deceiver will always find new persons to trust him still such misjudgment on the part of an officer of age and experience is difficult to explain.