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The patient can now be turned out for a month or six weeks without disturbing the dressing. After the removal of the bandages, the only treatment necessary is an occasional application of some mildly antiseptic ointment.

'Then I have no such intention, Agnes. 'I think you ought not, Trotwood, since you ask me, she said, mildly. 'Your growing reputation and success enlarge your power of doing good; and if I could spare my brother, with her eyes upon me, 'perhaps the time could not. 'What I am, you have made me, Agnes. You should know best. 'I made you, Trotwood? 'Yes!

"But, monsieur," exclaimed Jean, "if they are Protestants they cannot be Christians! Is it not true that all the Protestants go to hell on the back of that bad king who had six wives all at one time?" "Not all at one time, my good Jean," the curé answered mildly; "no, no, surely they do not all go to perdition.

The man's heart had been well-nigh broken with the blow that fell upon him, and nothing could ever heal it thoroughly again. He read the letter in silence; read it twice over; and when his wife broke out into a series of rapt congratulations, and reproached him mildly for not appearing to think it true, he rather cynically inquired what then, if true, became of her dreams. For Mrs.

He begins mildly enough, but warms with his subject as he goes on: "Should they send ambassadors to a traitor to his country? * Let him return from Mutina." I keep the old Latin name, which is preserved for us in that of Modena. "Let him cease to contend with Decimus. Let him depart out of Gaul. It is not fit that we should send to implore him to do so.

"Not the veriest particle," promptly. Certainly Patty was growing more charming every day. The Angora cat, with feline caution, peeped into the room. Patty, who loved cats, made a dash for the fluffy animal, which turned tail and bolted for the kitchen, Patty a close second. For the first time since the marriage Kate and Warrington were alone together. He gazed at her, mildly speculative.

For the first time he told John Lefever the story of Nan's finding him on Music Mountain, of her aid in his escape, and the sequel of their friendship. Lefever gave it to Bob Scott in Jeffries's office. "What did I tell you, John?" demanded Bob mildly. "No matter what you told me," retorted Lefever. "The question is: What's he to do to get Nan away from there without shooting up the Morgans?"

They passed Cape Bathurst on the 31st, again encountering ice; Herschel Island on the 5th of September; and, after overcoming various obstacles, were finally fixed for the winter on the west side of Camden Bay. The season passed mildly away. In the spring more expeditions were made, and visits received from the Esquimaux. The ship was not free till the 20th of July.

You can't honestly expect me to believe that my Church and my parents and my teachers are all wrong, and that, to put it mildly, the very strange people you appear to be meeting in France are all right. My dear Peter, do try and look at it sensibly.

"Every meal should be a sacrament, and the vessels used should be beautiful and symbolical," observed Brother Lamb, mildly, righting the tin pan slipping about on his knees. "I priced a silver service when in town, but it was too costly; so I got some graceful cups and vases of Britannia ware." "Hardest things in the world to keep bright.