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The curate when he at last appeared suggested that it would be well to consult a young practitioner in the neighbourhood who had been attending Merton; and in the end he went off to look for him.

But where was that other body? Merton yelled to Bude. Blake seemed dead or insensible. She could not be far off. He stumbled over rocks, into rabbit holes, he dived among the soaked bracken. Below and around he hunted, feverishly panting, then he set his face to the sheer cliff, to climb; she might be lying on some higher ledge, the shadow on the rocks was dark. At this moment Bude hailed him.

If they don't start it, put them up to it; anything to keep them employed and prevent them from asking questions in the villages. 'But, Merton, I understand your leaving in disguise; still, why go first to Edinburgh? 'The trains from your station to town do not fit. You can look. And Merton threw Bradshaw to Logan, who caught it neatly.

In my opinion it would be best to write to her from Bulcester, on the official paper of the Literary Society. For Merton wished to acquaint Miss Martin with the nature of her mission, lecturing being an art which she had never cultivated. 'There is just one thing, remarked Mr. Warren hesitatingly. 'This young lady, if our James lets his affections loose on her how would that be, sir?

'You have not been the director of the school for the last few years, as Lizzie has, said Lady Merton; 'the girls under your own protection are younger, their trial is hardly begun. 'I am afraid I shall be disheartened whenever I think of them, said Anne; 'I wish you had not said all this and yet perhaps if disappointment is really to come, I had better be prepared for it.

'So we thought we had better take advice: it seemed rather a lark, too, don't you know? The fact is you appear to have divined it somehow we find that we are all engaged to the same lady. We can't fight, and we can't all marry her. 'In Thibet it might be practicable: martyrdom might also be secured there, said Merton. 'Martyrdom is not good enough, said Clancy. 'Not half, said Bathe.

"I agree with Miss Merton," said Lord Doltimore, solemnly; not but what I like the country for three or four months in the year, with good shooting and hunting, and a large house properly filled, independent of one's own neighbourhood: but if I am condemned to choose one place to live in, give me Paris." "Ah, Paris; I never was in Paris. I should so like to travel!" said Caroline.

"Well, of course I never saw her!" said Miss Merton, looking down at the fire. "How could I? But mother has a picture of her, and you're as like as two peas." "I never saw any picture of mamma," said Diana; "I don't know at all what she was like." "Ah, well " said Miss Merton, still looking down. Then she stopped, and said no more.

And for other later churchgoers there were the shrill voices of friendly children to tell what had happened to appeal confidently to Merton, vaguely ahead in the twilight, to confirm their interesting story. Dexter, the anarchist, was put to bed without his goodnight kiss. Good old Pinto had done his pal dirt. Never again would he be given a part in Buck Benson's company.

Then to her grandson, she remarked, 'Hae, there's a jeely piece for you'; and Merton, munching a round of bread covered with jam, walked down the steep avenue. He knew the house he was to enter, the gardener's lodge, and also that he was to approach it by the back way, and go in at the back door.