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Warren would at least find out that there is more than one young woman in the world. 'I shall be delighted to see your friend, answered Mr. Warren. 'At Bulcester we welcome intellect, and a real novelist of moral tendencies would make quite a sensation in our midst. 'They are but too scarce at present, Merton answered 'novelists of high moral tone.

Warren; and we alighted, and a very small maidservant opened the portals of the baronial hall, while the cabman carried up my trunk, and Mr. Warren, senior, greeted me in the hall. "Welcome to Bulcester!" he said, with a florid air, and "hoped James and I had made friends on the way," and then he actually winked!

Yet, sir, I am at this moment the most unpopular man in Bulcester; but I shall fight it out I shall fight it to my latest breath. 'Is Bulcester, then, such an intemperate constituency? I had understood that the Nonconformist interest was strong there, said Merton.

The newspapers contained bulletins of an epidemic of smallpox at Bulcester. How would that work into the plot? Then the high animal spirits and daring fancy of Miss Martin might carry her into undreamed-of adventures. 'But they won't let her have even a glass of champagne, reflected Merton. 'One glass makes her reckless.

Warren had moderated the transports of his gratitude we were in the suburbs of Bulcester, where the mill-owners live in houses of the most promiscuous architecture: Tudor, Jacobean, Queen Anne, Bedford Park Queen Anne, chalets, Chineseries, "all standing naked in the open air," for the trees have not grown up round them yet.

'I don't think she could have proved the intent to annoy, said the learned counsel. 'You don't know a Bulcester jury as it was before the epidemic, said Merton. 'And I might have been an accessory before the fact, and, anyhow, we should all have got into the newspapers. Miss Martin was the most admired of the bridesmaids at the Warren-Truman marriage. I. The Prize of a Lady's Hand

Then his father, with tears in his voice, proposed a vote of thanks to me, and said that he and the brave hearts of old Bulcester, his old friends and brothers in arms, were once more united; and the people stormed the platform and shook his hand and slapped him on the back. At last we got out by a back way, where our cab was waiting. Young Mr.

The people at the lecture had heard of this, and that was why they cheered so for young Warren, because his affair was as commonly known to all Bulcester as that of Romeo and Juliet at Verona. They are hearty people at Bulcester, and not without elements of old English romance. 'Old Mr. Warren publicly embraced Jane Truman, and then brought her and presented her to me as James's bride.

Warren would enter into the details of his business. 'I am the ex-Mayor of Bulcester, said Mr. Warren, 'and, as I told you, a man of principle. My attachment to the Temperance cause' and he fingered his blue ribbon 'procured for me the honour of a defeat at the last general election, but endeared me to the consciences of the Nonconformist element in the constituency.

We both cried a little, I think, and then we all sat down to High Tea, and I am scarcely yet the woman I used to be. It was a height! And a weight! And a length! After tea Mr. Warren made a speech, and said that Bulcester had come back to him, and I was afraid that he would brag dreadfully, but he did not; he was too happy, I think. And then Mr.