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He gave the double impression that he was at bay and that you had better not crowd him further. "'Just in from a gold-hunting expedition on the coast of Costa Rica, he explained. 'Second mate of a banana steamer told me the natives were panning out enough from the beach sands to buy all the rum, red calico, and parlour melodeons in the world.

When Santa come to see faro-banking for melodeons wasn't money-making, he passed out word to the Hen to start up her part of the circus and in the Hen come, looking real pretty in her white frock, and put her hand on his shoulder married-like and says: "Now, my dear, it isn't fair for you gentlemen to keep us ladies waiting another minute longer. We want our share in the evening's amusement.

It was just lovely of you to give them all those goods out of your store to make up into clothes." "That that wasn't anything to do," Hart said. "What's in the store comes with a big discount same as melodeons. Sometimes I feel as if I was saving money giving things away." "You can talk about your generosity just as you please, William," she went on. "I think it's noble of you. And Mr.

The organ had a rather sweet old tone, unlike the nasal and somewhat sanctimonious drone of most melodeons, and Felicia, hungry for the piano that had not been brought to Asquam, almost wished she could buy it. She remembered Ken's prophecy "you'll come home with a melodeon" and turned away, her cheeks all the pinker when she found the frankly interested eyes of several bumpkins fixed upon her.

"Being in business, I get melodeons at such a discount off that giving 'em away ain't nothing to me at all. And now I guess we'd better be getting along home. It's a mighty mean home to take you to, Aunt Maria; but there's one comfort as you'll find out when I get the chance to talk to you you won't have to stay in it long."

Mortgages were being paid off, new and improved farming implements were being bought, new areas seeded new live stock acquired. The men were buying buggies again, the women parlor melodeons, houses and homes were going up; in short, the entire farming population of the Middle West was being daily enriched.

They've got the schoolhouse, and the English language, and a free paid labor system, and the railroads, and painted wagons, and Cincinnati furniture, and sewing-machines, and melodeons, and Horsford's Acid Phosphate; and they've caught the spirit of progress!" "Yass, 'tis so. Dawn't see nobody seem satisfied since de army since de railroad."

The little man took it all dreamy saying kind of to himself he'd never in all his born days expected to see a minister making money for Sunday-school melodeons by running a faro-bank. But he wasn't so dreamy but he had sense enough to keep out of the game. Santa kept a-asking him polite to come in; but he kept answering back polite he wouldn't saying he was no sort of a hand at cards.

I have been howled at by a troupe of Sicilian brigands armed with their national weapons the garlic and the guitar. I have been tortured by mechanical pianos and automatic melodeons, and I crave quiet. But in any event I want food. I cannot spare the time to travel nine hundred miles to get it, and I must, therefore, take a chance here."