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It is clear and evident that these signs have symbolic signification, and that they are not literal. They are fully explained in the Kitáb-i-Íqán. Refer to it. Question.—What is the meaning of the Trinity, of the Three Persons in One?

Tryan laughed at for being fond of great sinners. She began to see a new meaning in those words; he would perhaps understand her helplessness, her wants. If she could pour out her heart to him! if she could for the first time in her life unlock all the chambers of her soul!

I believe that it first made its appearance in English slang as covey, and was then pronounced cuvvy, being subsequently abbreviated into cove. Quite a little family of words has come into English from the Rommany, Hocben, huckaben, hokkeny, or hooker, all meaning a lie, or to lie, deception and humbug.

It bears the same name as the grace of the Jesuits, but in reality the Dominican doctrine is that of the Jansenists, that men require efficacious grace in order to pious action. What is the meaning of all this jumble of opinion? Simply, that the Dominicans are too powerful to be quarrelled with. The Jesuits are content that they should so far use the same language with them.

Besides, if there are no positive attributes, what could be the meaning of the tetragrammaton, about which Maimonides has so much to say? If it expressed a negative attribute, why was its meaning kept so secret?

'Williams, said the mate, 'a short life it may be to all of us, but not a merry one; the meaning of which I understand very well. Sorry I shall be to have your blood, or that of others, on my hands; but as sure as there's a heaven, I'll cleave to the shoulder the first man who attempts to break into the spirit-room. You know I never joke. Shame upon you!

"But wasn't there any fun, dear?" Katie asked after a moment. Ann did not speak, but looked at Katie strangely. "Yes," she said. "Afterwards. Differently." They were silent. Something seemed to be outlining itself between them. Something which was meaning to grow there between them. "There came a time," said Ann, "when all of life was not going over the wire."

Martin, the ordinary practitioner, had treated the case, no doubt, quite wisely throughout; that there was not a word to be said against Mr. Martin, whose experience was great, and whose discretion was undeniable; but, nevertheless, at least it seemed to Dorothy that this was the only meaning to be attributed to Sir Peter's words, Mr.

"I know the meaning of what's mine. Think I'd give up the woman I loved to another man?" "Even if she loved the other man best?" "I'd have my girl first, and find out how she felt about the other man afterwards." "Oh, but think if you gave her up, how noble it would be. You would have sacrificed all that you held the dearest to an ideal.

She sat through the dinner bravely; but, when the dessert came, left us for the night, with a few shy, hurried words about the excessive heat of the weather being too much for her. I rose to open the door, and exchanged a last meaning look with her, as she bowed and went by me.